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The Washington D.C. Peace Rally, January 18, 2003

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Tuesday February 11, 2003 02:16author by Gary Stonecipher - Poetic Justiceauthor email Gary at ADHDelivers dot comauthor address Liverpool, NYauthor phone (315) 491-3119 Report this post to the editors

Why aren't these rallies as effective as the ones during the 'Sixties Anti-War Movement'?

One of the questions that has been tossed around of late is; Why aren't these rallies as effective as the ones during the 'Sixties Anti-War Movement'. As I watched the rally, it didn't take long for me to see what the problem was;

The Washington D.C. Peace Rally, January 18, 2003

By: Gary Stonecipher

Liberal Elitism was the theme for the charade of speakers at the Washington D.C. Peace Rally Saturday. The only words of wisdom spoken were those of Martin Luther King. A truly great man, but I don't think he would appreciate those who make a living off his good name. All the other words chanted, simply could have been relegated to a few Pom-Pom Girls.

The diversity and well mannered nature of the crowd was inspiring. The people who came were honest in their convictions and their desire for Peace. They believed with all their heart, that what President Bush is doing, is an immoral and illegal act of aggression. These patriotic members of our society, are truly deserving of our respect and the lack of proper media attention they are receiving is shameful.

Those who worked behind the scenes to get the people to the rally were to say the least, a remarkable self-sacrificing group of individuals who deserve a healthy pat on the back and a very hearty; Thank You!!! A double kudos go out to these individuals who are, as always, the backbone of this movement.

"Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit." - Abbie Hoffman

One of the questions that has been tossed around of late is; Why aren't these rallies as effective as the ones during the 'Sixties Anti-War Movement'? As I watched the rally, it didn't take long for me to see what the problem was; A real lack of leadership was the stark reality, which led to an anemic assault on the Washington Shipyard. There was no Abbie Hoffman's charismatic energy stirring the crowd in a unified chant, in this bunch of enigmatic self-proclaimed leaders. I wonder what Abbie would do if he knew of this Liberal Elitism? I fancy a vision that would look much like one described in the Scriptures of how Christ reacted to the money changers. Hey! Abbiieeeee!!!

Except for the lack of a leader of men, this movement has everything going for it. As I see it, this is a revolution lacking in vitality, just sour grapes withering on the vine becoming the unpalatable fruits of the labor. A sad state for such a noble cause. Not one of these self-professed leaders got down amongst u.s. the little folk. A love for thy fellow man was not apparent in any words or deeds emanating from these giants amongst men. Not one stepped down from their perch on high to lead the march down to the Washington Shipyard. Which really should have been: A robust charge on the Washington Shipyard, intended to stop the advancement of this immoral war machine; Saving the lives of babies and building a peaceful world for our children's children

Personally, I went their with significant words to say and a Vietnam Era Draft Card to burn. But... These liberal elitist would have nothing to do with the likes of me. And... They did know of my existence, so ignorance will not be allowed for an excuse. At least twenty or so media cameras got a shot of the card, plus several interviews were given. Many in the crowd plus individuals involved in the program, did try to get me into the area, but they were thwarted in their efforts. To them I say; Thank You! Your hearts were in the right place, but these are the wrong people to lead this noble cause.

The reporters all asked me one very annoying question as they interviewed me; What is the one thing that makes you against this war? When the foreseeable actions of an obvious madman, will take the lives of 10's of thousands of innocent people, I can think of 10's of thousands of real reasons to protest his actions and demand his removal from office.

Waiting for proof to justify going to War with Iraq, is the popular News Headline one sees these days. But... there is proof of why we shouldn't go to War; Any War!

Ponder thusly:
696,628 U.S. Soldiers were sent in 1991 to fight a War in Iraq
        467 U.S. Soldiers were wounded during the War
        148 U.S. Soldiers were killed during the War (half were killed by friendly fire)
183,000 U.S. Soldiers are now disabled
    9,600 U.S. Soldiers are now deceased

The casualty rate was more than 280% greater (and growing daily) than what the Iraqi Army inflicted! If Iraq was not responsible for the 'Injuries and Deaths' of these American Troops... Then:

    • Who is responsible for this atrocity?
    • What was the root cause?
    • Why hasn't this been properly investigated?
    • Who is stopping the 'wheels of justice' from turning?

It is quite apparent that these injures and deaths were inflicted by The U.S. Department of Defence, which brings me to a question of a very dark nature;

How could any American justify inflicting such misery and heartbreak on
their fellow Countrymen, especially while in the service of their Country?

The same war machine is in place today, that was in place in 1990. The Pentagon has not, in its usual fashion, helped the soldiers or their families of this or any other war. These men and women went to the aid of this country in its supposed time of need, but when their time of need came, all they got was grief. Many today still have problems that are not addressed or they are receiving substandard care. That they were told that they would be taken care of, is but one more broken promise to add to that withering vine of broken promises.

If a war needs a lie to start it, it must be immoral. When Corporations are involved, it must have greed as its engine. When FDR sacrificed the men at Pearl Harbor, we were already at war with Japan for three days. Why did he feel the need to lie to the people? When those people who are charged with the care of our nation don't trust the people -- How then, can the people trust them.

This administration has been trying to do a re-write of the Constitution by changing the words "We the people..." to "We the corporations..." But... The Government-R-u.s., a for and by "We the people..." form of Government, as was carefully crafted by men who were Deist. Men with first hand experience of the tyranny which the Kings and Priestcraft could wield. This is the reason and truth behind the separation of the Church from the State.

Nota Bene:
One thing I found that was seriously missing, was the lessons learned from the division the Vietnam experience created in our society. The worst being the loss of 'The Great American Dream', as we became 'A Generation Lost' growing up without hope of ever having a real future.

My generation grew up first hiding under our desks, 'cause the "Godless Ruskies" could drop "THE" Bomb any day. Then, as my generation approached adolescence, Vietnam became the next looming threat to our existence. The "Godless Ruskies" were still just as menacing as ever, but now we had the spreading of Communism in Southeast Asia to contend with as well.

>From hiding under a desk; To hiding in a foxhole; To hiding up in Canada; No matter how you looked at it, life just seemed to be only the beginning and ending of a story, void of the middle part which tells of a life lived.

    For what purpose has a dream...
    if there is no hope in realizing it
    Of what value are dreams...
    if today is the last day
    Of what value was yesterday...
    if there is no tomorrow to live in
    Of what value am I...
    if I have no dreams to dream

We have been very remiss in our obligation of teaching our young the mistakes of the past, so they will have a future to dream into reality.


Gary Stonecipher
[email protected]

Poetizing & Philosophizing on Realizing
Gary Stonecipher © ADHDelivers'
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