The situation in Long Beach is becoming incredibly intense. The repression is coming down harder than ever
The situation in Long Beach is becoming incredibly intense. The repression is coming down harder than ever.
Jeff Hendricks, who was arrested for contempt of court and illegal communication with an inmate at the arraignment of Matt "Rampage" Lamont, was going to be bailed out of jail today by loved ones. However, as soon as the bond was purchased and taken to the jail for his release, the state gave him a bogus bench warrant from LBPD and changed his bail from 7,500 to 50,000 dollars. Jeff was then transported to an L.A county facility. Jeff made a phone called earlier that day from jail and told us that he was put in HIGH SECURITY after being arrested at court (on minor misdemeanor charges), and had his picture taken by the FBI, and was continuously being questioned by authorities.
Police harassment continues to intensify around the anarchist movement here in Long Beach. Today a friend said she was followed from her apartment to school by the police. They had waited outside her apartment until she left. Max and Matt "rampage" Lamont continue to remain in jail. Matt is being charged with 5 felony counts, including a HATE CRIME for allegedly attending a demonstration AGAINST nazis (this is based on the police report even though there was no nazi demonstration that day). Matt and Max were both followed by Long Beach detectives before they were pulled over by La Habra police, and their car was searched without any probable cause.
The situation on Hasan Hasan is also very serious. It is said that he is now going to be deported. Hasan was a math instructor at Cerritos college and a member of the Long Beach Peace Network. Hasan Hasan has been illegally detained by the INS and is now being held at the Long Beach Police Department. Without being given any reason Hasan Hasan was both fired from his job and arrested within a matter of minutes.
This is real, the repression is serious and the consequences of this affect us all. Please contact the Long Beach Infoshop to see how you can help, and/or to make donations to the legal support fund for Max and Matt. The phone number is 562-434-6934 and the address is 684 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90815. Please forward this message to any lists you are on or anyone you feel should hear this, especially lawyers, experienced individuals, and political prisoner support groups.
for more info and background go to SF indymedia page at