Independent Media Centre Ireland

Derry Direct Action Against Merchants of Death

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Saturday April 27, 2002 01:24author by The Damned

Protest slogans go up in Derry

The Damned (Direct action against merchants of death) have put up two more massive protest slogans on major traffic routes in Derry.

The Damned (Direct action against merchants of death) have put up two more massive protest slogans on major traffic routes in Derry: at Fort George and the Bus Station. The slogans read "Palestine Burns, Raytheon Earns".
Raytheon is the world's third largest arms manufacturer. They were invited to Derry by all the major N. Ireland parties and significanlty the NobelPeace Prize laureates John Hume and David Trimble.
Their software plant in Derry is building software for the UK govenment's Astor project - an aeroplane for precision targeting of bombs and missiles especially in urban settings.
The current protest is one of a large number of protests to have taken place in Derry both since before and after their arrival. The protest is made to coincide with the mass protest in Dublin this Saturday and to hilight the immorality of making money from the killing and maiming of human beings.


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author by RIGHT ON!!!!publication date Sat Apr 27, 2002 04:14author address author phone


author by barcelona mujeres librespublication date Sat Apr 27, 2002 14:34author address author phone

the best yet: an inspiration!

author by blisset - one of IMC IRLpublication date Sat Apr 27, 2002 17:48author address author phone

Please put together a detailed article about this. It is important and should be a featured news story.

author by Peter Doran - Foyle Ethical Investment Campaign (Raytheon)publication date Sat Apr 27, 2002 22:20author email peter at iisd dot orgauthor address Donegalauthor phone 07775633891

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate calls on spiritual leaders in Derry to raise their voices against Raytheon and the military industrial complex –
(Statement to the Derry Journal Newspaper Group)

Maíread Maguire, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the Peace People, has joined a growing chorus of protest at Derry’s involvement in the military industrial complex, with the establishment of Raytheon’s software plant at Springtown to work for the British Ministry of Defense.

Writing about the arrival of one of the world’s largest arms manufacturing companies in Derry, Ms Maguire, writes: “Some will welcome the news, saying people need jobs and that this facility is only for software production. However, without software to guide Raytheon’s Tomahawk missiles these weapons are of no use. Furthermore, Raytheon has big plans for Derry’s future, its Chairman and Chief Executive, Daniel Burnham, has said that ‘group employment in Northern Ireland could reach 1500 jobs if the company wins a separate Ministry of Defense contract to build a new missile system.’

“I agree that people in Derry need jobs, but surely we need to ask the question: Are we being morally responsible when we allow this type of economic development in Derry, thereby creating a situation where our children become dependent on employment in manufacturing software for bombs and weapons of mass destruction. In Derry, as in Omagh and throughout Ireland, people know what bombs can do to human beings.”

Raytheon take pride in their missiles

Recalling her visit to the Ameriyah Shelter in Baghdad, Iraq, last year (1999), Ms Maguire recalls that 1200 people, mostly women and children, with a few elderly men, died in the shelter when it was struck by two “smart” bombs dropped by American warplanes. She continues: “Raytheon software guiding Raytheon Tomahawk Cruise missiles were used in the Gulf War. Indeed Raytheon Systems Limited took pride in their contribution to the Gulf War when they said: ‘We are extremely proud of the Tomahawk’s record. Since Desert Storm in 1991, when it was first used in combat, more than 1000 Tomahawks have been fired with a high degree of accuracy.’”

United Nations Decade for building a culture of peace

The United Nations has declared 2001-2010 a decade for building a culture of peace and non violence. The decade is dedicated to promoting personal, community and political commitment to ethical behavior, including ethical trade and investment. Personal ethics, as local churches once taught, are about taking responsibility for what we produce and how these products are used in our name.

Ms Maguire concludes: “If the people of Northern Ireland can encourage Raytheon to re-direct all its efforts to non-military products (and also Shorts,Belfast and Maydown Precision Engineering, whose missile-related work continues) this would give hope to people in the Third World. These developing countries need help with their development efforts, not weapons of war and escalating debts to pay for these weapons. In the final analysis, each individual must exercise his or her own conscience. I hope that the people of Derry, who have suffered so much in the 30 years of violent conflict, and their spiritual leaders, will continue to raise their voices to call on their political leaders and the business community to live by a universal ethic of ‘do unto others as you would have them to unto you,’ and support ethical investment.”

Derry can be a sign of hope for the world

Ms Maguire ends her statement with a plea to the people of Derry: “If the people of Derry refuse to be part of the military industrialised complex which is destroying the poor, the marginalized, and the environment which belongs to the whole human family, you could give a lead and hope to millions that we can turn from the road of militarism to non violently solving our problems.”

Mairead Maguire,

author by FEICActivists - Foyle Ethical Investment Campaign (FEIC)publication date Sun Apr 28, 2002 15:17author address author phone


“Growth in the global arms industry is set for a re-awakening in coming years as the 'peace dividend' era comes to an end and political instability returns…. The odds are that the benign international relations we've witnessed in the past few years have been a honeymoon period,”…."We are set for more growth, not less, and we are as well placed as anybody when it comes.” Dan P. Burnham, Raytheon Chief Executive Officer, Farnborough Air Show 7/09/1998

“I very strongly welcome the decision of Raytheon to locate a major software plant in my home city of Derry," said John Hume. "It will be warmly welcomed by all of our citizens. It is an act of great economic confidence in our city and is another major step forward in our dream to make our Foyle Valley the Silicon Valley of Europe."
John Hume welcoming Dan P. Burnham to Derry Guildhall 24 August 1999

“Raytheon’s presence in Northern Ireland has grown significantly with the recent award of the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) Airborne Standoff Radar (ASTOR) programme. One of Raytheon Systems Limited’s key partners is Bombardier Aerospace, Shorts located in Belfast, which will create or sustain up to 830 jobs related to the ASTOR award. Raytheon is also bidding on the MOD’s Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM) requirement. If successful, Raytheon and its partner Shorts Missile Systems in Belfast, could create or sustain an additional 400-500 jobs in Northern Ireland. When considering the new software centre and the two MOD programmes, total employment created or sustained by Raytheon and its partners in Northern Ireland could reach 1,500 jobs.” Raytheon News Release 24 August 1999

Raytheon are the largest producers of guided missiles in the world. They make vast profits out of weapons whose one object is to kill people. At their 2001 AGM Daniel P. Burnham said ‘If there’s one message I can leave you with today, it is that while we recognize our challenges, we have confidence in defense, by far our largest market.’ Despite this, they have set up production in Derry since, and because of, the Good Friday Agreement. They were welcomed to Derry by all the main political parties – it is shocking that Raytheon received more cross-party and cross-sectarian support than the Good Friday Agreement.

Political justification for the welcome afforded to Raytheon has often been based on the notion that Raytheon in Derry are ‘only making software’ and that this work is for commercial rather than military programmes. This line is, however, given the lie by Raytheon own explanation of its work in Derry:

Raytheon Systems Limited is now well advanced in setting up its new multi-million-pound software development centre in Derry. RSL expects to employ 90 people by the end of this year, with 150 employees by the end of 2002.
Further growth is anticipated as the centre takes on additional work programmes from within Raytheon's global businesses (our emphasis).
The centre will focus on a variety of Raytheon's commercial programmes, including air traffic control (ATC) systems for European and other airports. Raytheon is a significant supplier of ATC radars, systems and training simulators. (The company supplies some 60 percent of this market which is valued at around $1 billion per year, and Raytheon ATC equipment is now found in more than 50 countries). Initial work will also support I-ORION (International One Raytheon Integrated On-demand Network), a multi-million dollar IT network system to meet the demands of Raytheon's global businesses.
The company plans to achieve the world-renowned Carnegie Mellon University's SEI (Software Engineering Institute) level 3 software maturity within the next 12 to18 months. Raytheon's presence in Northern Ireland has grown significantly over the last couple of years. Following one of the largest contract awards in the company's history, Raytheon partnered with Bombardier Shorts Aerospace in Belfast for the highly sophisticated ASTOR (Airborne Stand-Off Radar) system, which utilises the Bombardier Global Express business jet. Over 25 percent of this aircraft is designed and manufactured in Belfast. This programme will require considerable software development, some of which is likely to be undertaken at the new Derry facility.

Local politicians have been remarkably keen to accept‘reassurances’ given them by Raytheon. It is, however, hard to trust anything Raytheon says given the fact that they have been found guilty of lying to both the Pentagon and the US Government. Though it has been widely heralded for its "Patriot" missile, Raytheon's criminal record of defrauding the US government raises questions about the company's own patriotism. In March 1990, Raytheon pleaded guilty in a U.S. District Court in Virginia to one felony count of illegally obtaining secret Air Force budget and planning documents. U.S. District Judge Albert V. Bryan,Jr. imposed a $10,000 criminal fine for one felony count of "conveyance without authority" and $900,000 in civil penalties and damages. The case may have barely touched the surface of Raytheon's wrongful behavior. Although the plea only involved 1983 Air Force documents, U.S. Attorney Henry Hudson said Raytheon also illegally obtained a wide range of secret Pentagon documents from 1978 to 1985.

Even if we trust Raytheon not to lie about what they are doing, however, their own material makes it clear that they are involved in more than ‘commercial’ programmes. They say that they will ‘focus’ on commercial programmes, not that they will repudiate involvement in military programmes which is what local politicians have implied. The ORION system will meet the demands of Raytheon’s global businesses – including the business of making the weapons that are killing people in Afganistan. This is already being developed in Derry. They are involved in software development for the ASTOR programme for the British Ministry of Defence which will be used for offensive attacks around the world. Finally, they argue that ‘further growth is anticipated as the centre takes on additional work programmes from within Raytheon's global businesses’ – Raytheon’s global businesses are heavily skewed towards the producation of military software and hardware – they are, as we know, the largest missile manufacturer in the world. In fact the company has been less eager to maintain the charade of no involvement in military production than local politicians in Derry. The Boston Globe quoted ‘Jackie Berger, a Raytheon spokeswoman’ who said ‘the company plans to expand the staff [in Derry] to 150 by 2002. In the future, ''we may do defense work,'' Berger said. ''In all likelihood we will. We are, after all, a defense company.'' In fact, Raytheon's Derry operation - 150 jobs projected - is dependent on a £800 million Ministry of Defence (M.O.D.) contract to develop ASTOR (Airborne STand-Off Radar), an attack targeting software system for missiles and combat aircraft. Despite their claims that they will not be involved in military production, Raytheon’s website says, ‘this [ASTOR] programme will require considerable software development, some of which is likely to be undertaken at the new Derry facility’

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author by Lee Roberts - Raytheon - Derrypublication date Fri Apr 22, 2005 14:46author email leeroberts32 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone

I am a professional software developer for a number of years, and when I attended an interview with Raytheon (Derry), I can only say that I left with a sick feeling in stomach.

After been told that ‘we develop software for the armaments industry ‘and in the way it was said, so cold and calculated. The though of children in other cities (like Derry in days gone by) being left maimed or even worse, left me feeling physically sick.

As to the interview and as it happens, the phantom position that I applied for, needless to say they didn’t fill the role (from telling the agency one lie and tell myself another).
The interview itself was totally unprofessional, arrogant and so self assured in themselves (maybe that’s what it takes to leave after a day working on software to guides missiles to their targets).

My advice to anybody (ever) thinking of attending an interview with Raytheon would be to seriously think it through. You may have a good salary (for Derry) but by God the though that your software destroys lives is unthinkable.

author by soundmigrationpublication date Sat Apr 23, 2005 04:37author address author phone

fair play to ya'll in derry fighting against the presence of a factory central to the arms manufacturing industry in the north. as a 'concerned citizen of the north' living in dublin i look forward to the forging of closer links with all those fighting against the hypocritical stance of elected representatives of all shades and hue. whether it be the acceptance of arms manufacturers in our community under the guise of economic growth and 'stablilty' in da north or the myth of neutrality , and the US's military using airports in the south for transport of troops armiments or 'prisoners of war', really makes no difference.

they baoth are examples of the disconnection between the those ambitiious in the circles of reprasentative 'democracy' and those who see that the power lies with us.

we have more in common with each other, than with those who claim our flag, culture and future. it is all in our making!!!

author by Sam - Privatepublication date Sat Aug 19, 2006 13:51author address author phone

Remember that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East
It gives women full rights
It has freedom of expression and religion for all
It has a free press
It has Arabs in its parliament
Israel wants to live in peace with its neighbours. EVERY single aagresive act in the history of Israel has been provoked by Israel's neighbours

Israel asks only that its neighbours allow it the simple peace to exist we take for granted.

Let Iran and other ME countries stop threatening Israel's existence

For those who espouse th etruth, take five minutes to read/listen to this brave lady. You'll be enlightened!

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