6 AUDIO reports Human Rights post Sept 11th Dublin 2002
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Wednesday February 06, 2002 19:00
by Irishvidhead - Irish Indymedia
irishvidhead at hotmail dot com
International conferance on Human Rights After 9.11

Afghanistan, Iraq, Singapore, Morocco, Argentina, Palistine
Irelands 1st International Conferance on Human Rights Defenders post 9.11 The 3 day conferance (attended by groups like Amnesty International) focused on Human Rights Defenders (Lawers, Journalists, Aid workers etc.) who are at risk from there jobs. Moving audio Testimony from Afgan Palistinion Moroccan and interviews with people from Argentina Singapore Iraq The people speak about civil, culteral, economic, social and political rights around the world after Sept 11th

FRONT LINE - Platform for Human Rights Dublin Jan 2002
Fatana Said Gailani - Kabul Afghanistan - Testimony - Audio 4min 5sec
Afagan woman talks about Life under the Mudgihidime, the Taliban and being Bombed by the Americans.
“Afghanistan needs help, we need security, we need food, we need good health, we need education”... “Why has nobody asked why Russians killed 1,050,000 Afghan people?” ... “We lost our husbands, we lost our sons, we lost our children, we lost our dignity, we lost our rights in the refugee camps” ... “No security, no water, no food, no cloths, no shelter, and all you the people of the world JUST LOOKING” ... “we are fighting for our freedom, now is the time for peace, we want peace, the world needs peace, we all are to work together for peace” ... “Support the hungry people of Afghanistan, STOP THE BOMBING”................
FRONT LINE - Platform for Human Rights Dublin Jan 2002
Carlos from ARGENTINA - Interview - 3min 0sec
Carlos talks about the Revolution in Argentina, why the people are on the streets and the effects of the IMF World Bank.
“We have many unemployed people, many people excluded from the system, we are very close to anarchy” ... “We have an empty democracy, we fight to fill the democracy” ... “We have lost faith in the institutions of Argentina, the economical (NEO) Liberal system, the I.M.F and World Bank” ... “The economical rules destroy our country” ... “People fight for a political system which does not heart the people” ... “We dont have an organisation we have a spontaneous fight against the system” ... “We dont have a future with this corrupt political system, we have a future with the people fighting in the streets” ... “We can not forget the people who died”...........
FRONT LINE - Platform for Human Rights Dublin Jan 2002
Ben, BJ (Human Rights campaigner, former member of parliament and opposition leader in Singapore for 30 years) - Interview - 5min 31sec
Ben talks about Human and Civil rights in Singapore which has the worlds highest execution rate.
“People dont know about the other side of Singapore” ... “My only hope is that one day people will say enough is enough” ... “Its time we had a change from this system, the growing gap between the rich and the poor” ... “I have been declared an enemy of the people (publicly by government) and been told I should be destroyed and can not be accepted in Singapore” ... “Per capita Singapore executes more people than any other country in the world!”........
FRONT LINE - Platform for Human Rights Dublin Jan 2002
Iraq - Sahib Alhakim - Interview - 4min 52sec
“Sadam Husan executed thousands of Iraq people, men women and children, he used chemical weapons against his people” ... “A lot of people have disappeared in Iraq dungeons” ... “the Iraq people are suffering from both sides from the Iraq regime and from the Sanctions” ... “The sanctions are biting The people not the regime” ... “We are a wealthy country, our people are suffering, there is no medicine, no schools” ... “200,000 children died because of sanctions” ... “The media is under the control of the regime” ... “The regime is expecting a bombardment by the Americans”.......
FRONT LINE - Platform for Human Rights Dublin Jan 2002
Palestinian Women - Sofia - Testimony - 3min 3sec
Woman from Palestine talks about Israeli occupation, the intifada and the Palestine Authority.
“The situation facing the Palestinian people has never been as bad as it is today” .. “The Palestinian Authority is now utterly destroyed” ... “The bitter irony (paradox) is that the Israeli Government continues to accuse the Palestinian Authority of being Terrorist”... “They have sealed off the boarder crossing and I dont know how Iam going to get home”......
FRONT LINE - Platform for Human Rights Dublin Jan 2002
Moroccan man from the western Sahara - Testimony - 3min 35sec
One mans amazing story of Human rights Abuses in Africa.
“I was kidnapped when I was only 17 years old, I spent 16 years in secret jails in Morocco” ... “We were tortured day after day, we were beaten everyday” ... “We were deprived of food and blankets” ... “We were dying of hunger, dozens of people died in these jails” ... “My father died as a result of ingeries sustained during imprisonment” ... “My brother who had become insane while in prison was assasinated”