Thugs threaten to rape a 15 year-old
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news report
Tuesday January 28, 2003 17:55
by Hebe

The INLA in Derry have said they will patrol Galliagh Park until they receive a guarantee that anti-social behaviour in the estate will be stopped for good.
Derry Journal
28 January 2003
INLA 'Will Patrol' Galliagh
The INLA in Derry have said they will patrol Galliagh Park until they
receive a guarantee that anti-social behaviour in the estate will be
stopped for good.
In a statement to the Journal, the INLA claimed its members began
patrolling the area on Saturday night after receiving repeated
complaints about the anti-community activities of a number of
individuals congregating in the Galliagh Park area.
"These individuals have tormented the residents of that estate for
several months. Their actions include throwing paint, bottles and
bricks at local residents and their homes. One family recently moved
from their home as a result of the verbal and physical abuse they
were subjected to which included the threat to rape a 15 year-old
"Numerous incidents of joyriding during daylight hours have also been
reported to us.
"The INLA are determined not to be dragged in to the policing of
local estates however Saturday's action was carried out because of
immense community pressure levered on our organisation recently. The
decision to patrol the estate was not taken lightly.
"These patrols will continue until such times as those involved
personally give us guarantees that they will immediately desist from
their anticommunity activities. If the IRSM do not receive these
guarantees then further and more serious action could follow," said
the statement.
Meanwhile a spokesperson for the IRSP said: "We believe that this
action by the INLA followed relentless pressure on the local
community by a group of young people who congregate in the area.
"The Galliagh Park community deserve peace and quiet in their homes
and should not be subjected to the type of thuggish behaviour that
has become the norm in recent months in that area.
"The INLA have stressed to us that they are not prepared to become
embroiled in the policing issue within the area but will take action
against those who continually abuse our community.
"These are exceptional circumstances. This action was prompted by
continuous complaints concerning a number of individuals who are
basically making the life of the residents a living hell."
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