Johnny Adair speaking from Maghaberry has branded the UDA inner council and 5 UDA brigadiers 'nobodies'. Adair also branded Andre shoukri mixed race north belfast UDA leader a 'paki'. Johnny Adair is said to be seething with rage and is bitterly jealous of gorgeous goodlooking mixed race kickboxing north belfast UDA leader Andre Shoukri.
Johnny Adair who is worshipped along with dead scumbag Billy wright by extreme right wing fascist english neo nazis, showed his true colours recently, after looking down his nose at Northern irish UDA leaders branding them 'nobodies' and Andre Shoukri a 'paki'. Adair has a lot of support from extreme right wing fascist english neo nazis who are enraged that mixed race Andre shoukri was allowed to become leader of the north belfast UDA. English Nazis seem to think they can look down their noses at Northern irish loyalists and dictate to the UDA who they can and can't appoint. I think the reaction against Adair proves to these wankers that they can't muscle in on our patch with their nazi stooges like Adair. It seems that whilst the UDA are now prepared to embrace peace, simultaneously the UVF are walking away from the process for no reason whatsoever, it seems they too feel they can now show their true colours. The UVF's kneejerk reaction against the peace process, is mainly due to rabble rousers and troublemakers at the east belfast short strand interface. There is no one side responsible for the trouble, the trouble at the short strand interface is mainly due to lack of parental control of wee kids, running amok, throwing stones at any strangers be they catholic or protestant. It is in the nature of our working class communities, that unsupervised wee kids with nothing to do, will resort to chucking bottles/bricks at those they consider strangers or the opposition, similarly if you were to venture into a parallel protestant working class area, in which you are a stranger, and not known, you will get a brick lobbed at you. Our working class communities need to understand that there is equal hate and fear on each side of the sectarian divide, and we need to take responsibility for the behaviour of our wee kids in our areas, to ensure that they are not starting shit which escalates into full blown riots. Also the east belfast protestant community cannot tar and feather all republicans and catholics with the same brush, because of the actions of a few mindless unsupervised wee kids.
Comments (7 of 7)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7In the past the tiger bay UDA has protected and returned the odd catholic that has strayed into their areas. I don't know what has happened recently but under Adair's influence north belfast tiger bay exploded and went berserk, with catholic youngsters getting stabbed and all manner of mayhem happening. Since Adair was discredited and taken out of the picture, the area seems to have calmed down alot. You do get the few head cases intent on causing trouble etc, but the incidents are few and far between. Recently before he was put back in prison, Adair tried to ignite the powder keg that is the ardoyne interface, mainly to keep the north belfast A/B company UDA units tied up fighting catholics instead of Adair. Let us all hope that we never have to witness the disgraceful shameful scenes of grown men and women, spitting and insulting the Holy cross wee girls on the way to their school. let's face it kids on both sides of the sectarian divide are not all angels, and because of the general lack of recreational facillities/ activities and parental supervision, some run wild, but there was no call, for the Glenbyrn residents to launch that type of display of hate and bitterness against wee girls, that was totally uncalled for. It was obvious that it was orchestrated and manipulated by the likes of Adair, with the situation being made far worse due to the interference of Adair and his henchmen.
Some loyalist paramilitary organisations are also heavily influenced by the black ops propaganda fed to them by the likes of Billy 'liar'Lowry and FRU operatives. I have to congratulate the UDA for seeing through Adair. It is a pity the UVF have swallowed the brit establishment black ops lies, about Sinn Fein and the activities of republicans, hook, line and sinker. They must know that even the provies don't have those capabilities or the expertise to carry out a raid on Special branch HQ. Come on now! even I know that would be a mission impossible too far. I think the UVF are looking for an excuse, a way out, and are taking sides with the brit government to pressurise and force the provies to decommision. Republicans have not insisted that loyalist paramilitaries decommision completely, in the real world we all realise that loyalists have as much right to keep their weapons, as have republicans. The only people that republicans demand dissarm are the PSNI and the brit military machine. Without brit demilitarisation, neither working class loyalist or republican communities can dissarm. Loyalist need to retain their arms to defend themselves from the likes of aggressive brit establishment protege/stooge Johnny Adair, similarly republicans need to retain their arms to defend themselves from the likes of murdering brit establishment protege/stooge Johnny Adair. Both working class communities have a common enemy, and in times of crisis, they have shown they can unite to protect each other from this common enemy. In the 1999 loyalist feud between Adair and the UVF, the lower falls black taxis kindly let the shankill black taxis use the Falls road to by pass Adairs lower shankill bolthole. Recently at the height of Adair's second feud with the UDA, again the lower falls black taxis kindly allowed the shankill black taxis use the falls rd to bypass Adair's lower shankill territory. The news that the UVF are withdrawing from contact with their republican counterparts is a great blow and dissapointment.
The recent UVF statement comes totally out of the blue. The resultant PSNI backlash against the UVF is also uncalled for, and should not be supported by any loyalist or republican working class community. The only reason i can think of that the UVF could pull out, is because they got wind that stupid SDLP type nationalists supported the PSNI crackdown against the UVF. Will we ever learn, that it is always a big mistake to collaborate with the brit establishment or PSNI against other working class communities.
Isn't it ironic. The UDA wave Israeli Flags, in so doing they oppose the Palestinians claim to an Arab Homeland. The irony is that North Belfast UDA Brigadier Andre Shoukri and his brother (both currently in Maghaberry Gaol) are Moslems and Arabs.
Add that to the Nazism, racism and the BNP and it makes the UDA/UFF look even more stupid than they already do.
Tiocfaidh Ar La
Johnny is nothing but a washed up dope head.So are his NF/BNP commrades.Gina Adairs an unfit mother and his socalled son is a convicted drug dealer at 19!Whilst Andre and Ihab are very sweet boys who have regularly been falsely accused because of Johnny .He is due for release in January ,meanwhile Gina is currently preparing to return to the Shankhill where she was chased from.So come January we'll see who's a Paki and who's just a side of old fat PORK BELLY.
The North here must be the only place in the world in which card carrying members of British far right groups wave Israeli flags. And they only do it to annoy the Palestinian supporting fenians.
Dear folks..put this straight.andre and ihab are not muslims.their father was a CCopic Christian from Egypt.Arab Christians have usually same names as Muslims...
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