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| GR Bulletin- the Struggle Heats up![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Globalise Resistance Weekly Bulletin 23 April 02 Anti War Demo this Saturday- meet GR contingent at the Ambassador, O Connell Street, 2pm. Mayday rally against Le Pen and Fascism- meet GR contingent at GPO, 6pm Wednesday May 1st. Other events, demos and upcoming meetings. This week-
(Last days of creativity for the Bush Monster- Wednesday and Friday nights at Spacecraft Warehouse- phone Joe at 087 9032281 for details- we also need volunteers for the McArmy, Camp X Ray POWS and the Sweatslaves of Fashion- lots of costumes ready and rehearsal on Friday night) 1. Last November politicians claimed that the fall of Kabul marked the end of the war in Afghanistan and the first victory in the wider 'war on terror'.
The attacks on September 11th have, predictably, been used to inflate the already obscenely bloated military budget of the US. In 2003 the American government will spend $379 billion on arming itself. That figure is about five times more than all western states spend each year on aid to the underdeveloped world. Bertie Ahern has now given Bush unqualified support for the 'war on terror' and any US attacks on Iraq. We need to demonstrate that he does not speak in the name of people living in Ireland. If you are concerned about the warmongering of Bush and Blair please come to the national anti-war demonstration on Saturday April 27th. Assemble at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell St., Dublin 1 at 2.30 pm. TRANSPORT FROM BELFAST, DERRY, CORK, DUNDALK, DROGHEDA, WATERFORD, GALWAY etc etc The bus is going to join the upcoming huge annual, The bus departs from the library on the Grand Parade at 9.30 am and comes back that evening. Jennifer The Derry Anti-War Coalition is running a bus to the April 27 protest in Dublin. You might want to include this in the next antiwar news. The bus leaves Derry at 10am from Foyle St bus depot, returning that night. Cost £10 (£5 concession). Phone 02871 286278 for tickets or further info. Best regards, Colm Palestinian Irish Solidarity Movement Related story- The US Wants to Depose the Diplomat Who Could Take Away Its Pretext for War With Iraq by George Monbiot On Sunday, the US government will launch an international coup. It has been planned for a month. It will be executed quietly, and most of us won't know what is happening until it's too late. It is seeking to overthrow 60 years Continued at
SMASH LE PEN- No Fascism in Europe "We must say no to Le Pen in the streets, every day," said Jose Bove, the prominent anti-globalisation activist, at a march of 12,000 demonstrators in the western city of Tours. Shockwaves and mass demonstrations have swept France as people have taken to the streets in protest at the shock election success of far-right Nazi Jean-Marie Le Pen. "Mussolini: 1922. Hitler: 1933. Le Pen: never" was the cry at a rally in the eastern city of Strasbourg. He came second in the first round of the presidential vote on Sunday, beating the French Blair, Lionel Jospin, to reach the final run-off against the conservative incumbent, Jacques Chirac. Demonstrations were reported in the northern town of Brest on Tuesday morning, after some 100,000 people staged angry rallies across the country on Monday. Police in Paris fired tear gas at anti racist protesters overnight. Thousands of people spontaneously took to the streets to demonstrate against Le Pen, many of them regretting their decision not to vote. 30,000 protested in Paris on Sunday night and were joined by thousands more in towns across France. They are horrified that the man who called the Holocaust "a detail of history" has gained such respectability. Banners denounced Mr Le Pen, who earned notoriety for his remarks on the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews and his opposition to immigration. Le Pen is a street-fighting Nazi with decades of fascist activity (and a few convictions) behind him. Le Pen's vote has not increased massively from the 1995 presidential elections (the increase is estimated at 200,000): his percentage of the vote has increased with the collapse in support for the existing ruling parties and a 7% decrease in voter participation. Chirac won with only 19.88% of the vote, Le Pen came second with 16.86%, and Jospin lost with 16.18% (others took 47.08%). Le Pen's Front Nationale concentrated on the issue of "insecurity" in France today. He posed as a viable alternative to the parties whom many feel have deserted them. This was boosted by millions being so disillusioned that they did not vote. In response, the French student federation has called for a coordinated country-wide protest ahead of a major television interview with the Front National (FN) leader scheduled for Tuesday evening. There will be an all out trade union mobilisation supported by the radical left on MAYDAY, to counter Le Pen's fascists who will march on thir Joan of Arc Rally. The scene is set for the Battle of Paris on International Workers Day. Here in Ireland, Globalise Resistance is calling for a rally against Le Pen and the rise of fascism before the Union March for Mayday in Dublin. we believe in a world of no borders, no immigration controls and no racism. The anti capitalist contingent will also be vocally anti fascist on this year's Mayday march, as the eyes of Europe look towards France. Please spread the word and mobilise as many people and groups as possible to join us. Cecile, French activist with Globalise Resistance, writes- I didn't have much free time last night or today, so I thought it would be a good idea to take More info at 3. GR and Latin American Solidarity The Globalise Resistance Forum with Dan Baron, an artist activist with the Brasilian MST, was very moving and thought provoking. Dan used slides to illustrate the poverty and humanity of the landless workers, who escape the favelas of Brasil's shanty towns and violent, poverty stricken cities, to occupy and establish communes on the unused land of the rich landlords. The courage of the MST was illustrated by the many sites of massacre Dan has helped to mark, with the use of murals, monuments and paintings. Hundreds of MST comrades were murdered by the Brasilian rancher mercanaries, but no one has ever been brought to justice. Dan, who worked in the Bogside for six years with the Frontline Arts group, showed how Bloody Sunday was happening time and time again to the rebels of South America, but also how they are being re inspired and encouraged by the events of Chiapas, Genoa and Buenos Aires. Globalise Resistance has made links with the MST, and we hope to bring them back for a national tour of Ireland sometime in the next nine months. However, the crisis in Latin America is continuing- NICK JONES has just returned from Ecuador where he was illegally detained with 18 others for a OIL PIPELINES AND RAINFOREST SURVIVAL IN ECUADOR If you want more information, a poster for display and/or copies of lobbying letters contact LASC or [email protected] LASC can be contacted at: The Latin America Solidarity Centre (LASC) is an initiative
Pavee Point and the Irish Traveller Movement are organising a march against the new anti-trespass 5a Bring your whistles, bells, friends, and anything else you can think of. It’s the perfect way to relax at the end of the week. Some people have suggested including Heuston Station in the route to highlight the lack of cycle parking facilities for commuters there. 5b Stop all cannabis arrests- stop the lies Contact 6. Key policy questions will be put to political parties at a series of three Participating political parties are Labour, Fianna Fáil, Fianna Gael, The Speakers:
ADMISSION FREE - ALL ARE WELCOME Related request- I am an American student studying in Ireland for the semester. The program is with the School for Jessie Crabb AND FINALLY- The girl who pied Bertie - statement
Ahern and others in positions of power (regardless of party) are respected automatically without having to do anything to earn that I am deeply worried about the future these people are building, which my children will have to live in.
GM crops were introduced without any vote, and debate only happened after their introduction; none of the viable parties to vote for Ahern got into power using lies. He promised he would not change our constitution and sign us up to PfP, ie. NATO. But when he got into power he ignored the people’s wishes and signed away our neutrality. Shannon is used as a US air base and Ahern is currently trying to steamroller us into accepting the increased militarisation of Europe via the Treaty of Nice. The government has spent millions on new weapons, manufactures and exports weapons, conducts military research in universities, and generally toes the industrial military line. Already this country looks and feels exactly the same as any other country in the EU. We forgot everything that Connolly, Pearse, Collins and thousands of nameless warriors died for in our mad
This thing sweeping Ireland, this agenda, is like “a rising tide, a tsunami impacting our consciousness with revolutionary force, End of statement. Also, it was great fun. And acts of defiance should be fun, joyful, empowering. Placard-waving, petition-signing, etc. is boring and ineffectual. Time for activists in Ireland to start enjoying their rebellion. THIS BULLETIN IS EDITED BY GLOBALISE RESISTANCE's Joe Carolan. If you have a story or article, statement, photograph or website, please send it to me at [email protected], or phone me at 087 9032281. To keep in contact with the anti capitalist movement in Ireland, drop in on our website at or look for posts on