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Thursday December 12, 2002 14:46
by iosaf (oracle duty jedi)
maestro_jedi_jordi_pujol at hotmail dot com

it´s the AXIS of Evil show!
that means War = Peace Lies = truth 2002 -1984 = 18 for North Korea v. U.S.A. side show China v. U.S.A. oh don´t forget Iraq v. U.S.A. and ..........Osama v. U.S.A. The Superpower hyper power is feeling really really big.
today the White House has issued a big document on Weapons of Mass Destruction.
it doesn´t tell you how to make these things now.
oh no.
it tells you how bad these things are.
they´re very very bad.
and how the U.S.A. [incidently the only country who has used weapons of mass destruction in open warfare] will do everything it can to protect the U.S.A. it´s forces, it´s friends from these weapons.
in that order.
We as europeans are neighbours of many countries on the list of potential orgins of weapons of mass destruction. Well we are. sad to say, but there you go.
Now we are very far from yongbyong.
that´s in North Korea.
the people who were trying to ship their brand name houshold recognition (SCUD) missiles around this week. The North Koreans have been North Koreans since the U.S.A. fought a proxy war aginst the Chinese there back in the middle of the last century. It was all recorded accurately for a TV programe called MASH. Mr. Alan Adler played the part of slightly too big for his boots Supreme Commanded of Allied forces Generalissimo Mac Arthur who got told off for wanting to nuke [use weapons of mass destruction] on everyone who lived between Hong Kong and Tokyo. That was back in the days when Hong Kong was still British, it isn´t anymore, so it could be on the nuke list. The British got it incidently by selling smack to the locals and developing a weapon of mass destruction "the global hard drug trade". There´s not a mention of this in today´s White House document, they´re getting round to it.
Now some questions and answers [coz u like that format]
Q. Mr O´asif duty oracle jedi should we be scared of the North Koreans?
A. well maybe yes we should. They are very unstable and distrusted by everyone. They wouldn´t think twice about destabilising your democratically elected government becuase they are bad bad communists. They´re not the Irish 4th international type of communists so you could probably go on talking to the SP and Finghin, these North Koreans aren´t bolsheviks in the accepted meaning of the word.
Q. Are there any proven links between these North Koreans and the Yemenis?
A. oh yes. The N.K.s have been sending SCUD missiles to Yemen for self defence.
Q. are there any proven links between Yemen and the global terrorist umbrella organisation called Al Qeada?
A. oh yes. Osama was born in Yemen and has only recently had his citizenship revoked, his family are still resident there but are in London this week to sell their furniture.
Q. are there any links between Al Qaeda and Irak?
A. oh no they´re very different and wouldn´t even share a sweet coffee.
Q. but don´t all these mad bad people have an enemy in common?
A. you are confusing the issues there. stop it.
Q. but if Al Qaeda and Yemenis and Iraqis and North Koreans were all in cahoots what would that mean?
A. it might just mean that the U.S.A. really is facing quite incredible odds and global reach/capibility.
Q. is that why the vaccines for Smallpox and Anthrax?
A. oh yes.
Q. is this really really not very funny?
A. yes.
now the bit from the CNN/reuters/Min of Truth
Japan called for a calm response to North Korea's statement, saying Pyongyang appeared to be seeking a peaceful end to the spreading row over its nuclear program.
"If you read the North Korean announcement carefully, their consistent stance is to seek a peaceful resolution," Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi told reporters.
"We need to respond calmly, based on close cooperation with the United States and South Korea."
Early this year President Bush accused North Korea, Iraq and Iran of forming an "axis of evil" making weapons of mass destruction that could be obtained by terrorist groups.
North Korea's latest statement repeated Pyongyang's assertion that it was Washington which had broken the Agreed Framework.
"The U.S. cannot escape its responsibility for utterly trampling on the terms and spirit of the Agreed Framework by designating us as an "axis of evil" and target of pre-emptive nuclear attacks," the statement said.
doesn´t that make you feel better?
The `pain of Anthrax can be alleviated by tincture of geranium mixed with clove oil, make a poultice and apply over each sore.
Though death is almost unaviodable, this cheap and available herbal treatment can not be underestimated.
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Comments (1 of 1)
Jump To Comment: 1minding my own business picking my spuds. When all of a sudden the sky turned this eerie pink colour and all the beautiful yellow gorse bushes started to wither and die, the sea, that beautiful atlantic ocean where i swam of a balmy summer's evening began to glow a sickly green, while the spuds started rotting in my hands and the sheep on the hillside bagan to stumble and fall from their perches.
Oh Mary and be'jaysus I thought, maybe I should have had a go at assasinating that Bush character last time I was over visiting cousins Mick, Mary and Pat in county Washington. Or instead of staying at home I should have joined the revolution and died fightin like all the other good muckers !!!!???!!
I'm not sure what all that is trying to say, but what ever way you look at it, things are lookin pretty bleak.