not a fan but if you must do the idiot box...
TG4 8pm: Doco on shameful Soap factory in Ireland ----------------------------- N2 8pm: Doco on allies bomb blitz of innocent Germans ------------------------------- BBC 2 9pm: Alt. health doco on Homeopathy -------------------------------- RTE 1 9.30pm/11pm: Doco on Irelands alcohol problem which is very similar to that of Native Australians and Native Americans ----------------------------------- BBC Radio 4 8.30pm: Radio doco on Capitalism --- Kill your TV! but if you must watch it, watch something decent!!!
Comments (5 of 5)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5TV is toxic : to make (sweat shop labour practise)
TV is toxic : to see (endocronological effects)
TV is toxic : to watch (propaganda & internalisation of capitialist values learning of social / class differences)
TV is toxic : to dispose of. (contains too many toxic chemicals).
TV is toxic : to free (all european activists who have tried to begin pirate TV have been "stopped")
TV is toxic
Kill your TV
Kill your neighbour´s TV.
Does anyone know what is happening with the Corrib gas field. I saw a piece on it on channel 4 news that said we weren't getting royalties from it? Is this true?
How on earth can any rational human being describe the German fascists as innocent???
Brilliant analysis.
Hey. I got an idea. Maybe if you become even more dumb, people will pay you even more attention.
Though as it is, your terminal imbecility is in danger of becoming life threatening. I look forward to the day when you forget how to breathe.
How can one call some Germans in WW2 innocent? Easy. Doddle. Considering the overarching and implacable expertise in the subject you have demonstrated, you are presumably, acquainted with the German resistance? And the fact that it was active throughout the war. You are also acquainted, I presume, with the history of the many Germans who either hid, or aided the escape of those under threat of death? And the history of the fifth columninsts, dissidents, naysayers, pessimists. And those too plain scared to do anything.
But no. You're right. And I'm wromg. Every single German of the time was an ardent Nazi. And deserved to die. Probably should've hung Wodehouse while they were at it, eh?
I really very sorry that a little harsh reality upset you so much, watch that blood pressure. The facts are that resistance to Hitler inside Germany was minimal. People such the Scholls and other members of the White Rose and people who helped Jewish fugitives were a very small minority. Protests against the murders of German people who were physically and/or mentally handicapped were also non-existence. After the nazi victories in Western Europe in 1940, he received a hero’s welcome in Berlin. The majority of Germans (of that generation) only began to have doubts after the tide of war began to go against the Nazis. Any person can express his/her opinion on for example, the bombing of Dresden but when one considers the “final solution”, the crimes of the nazis in the Soviet Union, when you start an aggressive war, then the consequences of such a decision must be obvious to almost anyone.
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