What the Committee for a Workers' International (CWI) fights for in the Middle East. The Socialist Party is the Irish section of the CWI.
The CWI in Israel, Palestine and internationally fights for:
*The immediate withdrawal of all Israeli forces from all Occupied Territories - the Gaza and West Bank! Stop the aggression against the Palestinians!
*A mass struggle throughout the region against imperialism and capitalism– the root cause of the conflict!
*The right of Palestinians to resist the Israeli occupying forces! For a mass struggle to fight for genuine national and social liberation! For the establishment of popular, democratically controlled grass-roots committees to provide leadership to the struggle. The right of these committees to provide democratically controlled armed defence.
*The mobilisation of workers and youth internationally to aid the Palestinians’ struggle for democratic, national and social rights and for a socialist solution in the Middle East!
*The right of Palestinians to self-determination, including an independent state!
*For a socialist Palestine and a socialist Israel, as part of a voluntary socialist confederation of the Middle East, with full rights for all minorities.
*An end to Sharon’s war of re-occupation, and his reactionary, capitalist government!
*An end to the use of Israeli soldiers as cannon fodder by the Israeli ruling class and army generals. For the right of all conscript soldiers and reservists to refuse to serve in the Occupied Territories.
* A united struggle by Israeli Jews and Israeli Palestinian workers, youth, and community activists against Sharon’s aggression and the occupation! End institutionalised racism and discrimination towards Israeli Palestinians. For a struggle of the Israeli working class – both Jewish and Palestinian – to overthrow capitalism.
*For an end to mass unemployment and poverty! End the political and economic oppression of Israeli and Palestinian capitalism. For a massive increase in public spending. For a democratically planned socialist economy to transform the living standards of Palestinians and Israelis.
*A struggle by the masses of the Arab states against the corrupt, reactionary, capitalist ruling Arab elites! – For a socialist Middle East!