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Spirit of Contradiction
| Mayday Madness- some ideas![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() some ideas for May 6th reclaim the Streets Turn Dublin into a drive-in by staging some guerilla film screenings. Project Keystone Cops onto Pearse Street police station, Wallstreet onto the Central Bank ... The Three Stooges works almost anywhere. With posters, stickers, or handbills, notify people that "Tomorrow is Cancelled." Make your notices look official or frivolous---either way, won't they be surprised when it happens anyway. Dress up as a well-to-do investment banker and beg for money in the streets to fund your luxurious lifestyle. "Spare a dime to support my limousine?" "Help fund a ski trip in the Alps?" "Will manage stock portfolios for caviar!" Food Drops for the Unhealthy: Bring humanitarian aid to where it is needed on the homefront. Drop brightly colored packages of fruits and vegetables into the laps of McDonalds patrons. The Pig Jam! Get four pigs and number them with paint, 1, 2, 3, and 5. Let them loose in a chain department store and see how long the staff searches for that 4th pig. |
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Comments (9 of 9)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Brillant ideas Joeboy seriously inspired!
I mean I have these pigs lying around the house and they're just taking up space, eating the carpet, and christ I was figuring what on earth to do with them. Thank you so much.
And you're right, buying food and giving it to Mac Donalds customers is so it's so.....
I mean hey theres starving people in this city who'll really appreciate that witicism.
And those oh so witty posters and signs, why yes pointless tired surreality is such a valuable way to spend my time.
Almost as pointless as the time I've spent replying to this idiocy.
Here we go again! Yet again we have more 'inspired ideas' from our 'master genus' King Mob, with the intelligence of a worm. He or she or it, is such a cute hoor! I'll hand them that! You think that maybe just for once that they might actually have SOMETHING POSITIVE to offer, but alas not! My initial suspicion was confirmed, re "Brillant Ideas!"
by King Mob Thu, Apr 4 2002, 8:22pm. What have you got against suggesting something positive, for a change? If you don't like something then suggest doing something a different way or not doing at all. Are you going to be on the Protest to the Israeli Embassy this Saturday? Nuff said.
I was waiting for this,
Paul I'll be running around like a blue arsed fly on saturday doing something more productive, there are other things going on in this country aside from whatever it is you're working on.
And incidently I've been down more than once a day with Venus offering and giving pratical support to the protest, I'm sure you've been off doing something very productive involving plastic bins or something, cause I ain't seen you.
As for my criticism;
Right the deal is every one of these ideas is moronic;
Video projectors, Does "Joeboy" have a video projector or 35mm film projector for his cinema idea, or a place to project them from, um no. Stupid idea? Yes.
Does Joeboy think his dumb arse little "Tomorrow has been cancelled" nonsense, substandard culture jamming is worthy of a first year arts student? Stupid idea? Yes.
Frankly the level of witicism from the average 13yo could take the piss out of the business man beggar. Stupid idea? Yes.
The Mac Donalds idea is contemptable considering the starving of people around the world. Stupid Idea? Yes.
And the pigs idea, who has pigs and how the fuck do you get four pigs into a department store never mind this fucking IDIOTIC (bless you Paul for your writing style) idea about the mysterious fifth pig. Fucking stupid idea? Yes.
If this is going to work we need orginal pratical and do-able ideas that will work in Dublin, not the boil in the bag useless nonsense that Joeboy has ripped off from other Maydays. We need orginality not stuff this eejit has ripped off.
-Be realistic demand the impossible-
GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
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GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
GR is the SWP na na na na HEH na na na na HEH
If You listen carefully you can actually hear the vein on Paul's temple throb.
Why dont the two of you just exchange e-mail addresses and fight it out in private, it's boring and we've heard it all before.
This is not what indymedia was set up for!!
BTW Films have been shown in a mobile unit outside an embassy in same street as the 'Tree' previously.
just to contradict king mob, unintentionally, of course, I think Joe has some great ideas. Like we saw before, this kind of theatrical protesting is a new and original way of drawing attention. I can see where you may be coming for king mob, then you should start your own ideas for May Day and contribute in a way you seee fit. In the mean time, Joe works hard and you really shouldn't have such negativity on the newswire. Aren't you both on the same sides?
FYI King Mob I have been down at the Israeli Embassy on Pembroke Road! Not as much as I'd have liked but I was there this Wednesday just after 4pm and there was one solitary Protestor there, an older chap. They were more pigs there (2) than Protestors! Unfortunately I could only stay for about 1/2 an hour. BTW King Mob, what's more important than supporting our Palestinian Brethren this Saturday? Or would that expose your Identity?
Yeah at last we've someone whose not afraid to tell the truth. Fair Play King Mob! Now that you demolished that Spastic Mental Retard Lunatic Paul Kinsella why don't you join our organisation SPABASHERS King Mob? Your talents are really needed for our organisation. We already have QUEERBASHERS up and kicking so why not do the same with SPABASHERS?
I'm earnestly sick and tired of this
"If you can't say something constructive don't say anything" attitude.
I'd love someone from the IMF to fire that line back at you when you're chanting "death to the G8".
A stupid idea is a stupid idea pure and simple, and furthermore it's more productive to shoot down a stupid idea, and for everyone to murmer "yeah um, great go do that".
Mindless moron goes out gets pigs or something, this idea is carried on half assed by a few other people, as not to discourage the muppet who had the idea in the first place, and he's blithly going on with this plan, wasting valuable time and energy. It's eventually dropped close to the Demo when they have to face up to it, and tell Muppet that they can't do it. Waste of time which could have been better spent. I've seen it to often.
Instead of that we just say "Dumb idea, whats next".
Well how about this;
Any carpenters? Jury rig a small, 4x3x1 skate ramp and invite the skater kids.
Earn the "Rage againist the machine" t-shirt. Get the scranny almost goths hanging around temple bar involved. Your own reclaim the streets youth.
They've got anarchist leanings and nothing to do, they'd be up for rukus.
Get promotion going, Minishort reclaim the streets. five people wandering through shopping centers and town a week before hand. Quick smart a boom box and some beats and some suitable behaviour, then as you leg it hand out flyers.
And so forth.
As for the Yeah Cool SPA Bashing...... It's amazing what a three letter word can evoke. I think they're a minor difference than a few name callings (and besides PAUL started it...Te He He) and wandering the streets as a skinhead. Grow up and stuff the hyperbole.
Paul actually my schedule has freed up I'll actually be the march, stop over say "hi"
I'm the guy with the shaved head Doc Martins, and suspenders.
PS and Ciara, the Video projector at the embassy was a pain in the hole, and do you have any idea how small the projection from a commerical video projector would be from across the road from any of the mentioned building? Not to mention the puny wattage from the projector, and the ambient lighting would make it like trying to watch a 12inch TV from 20ft away with the sun in your eyes.
I Repeat bloody stupid idea.
-be realistic demand the impossible-