The following is a statement Natasha and Venus asked to published, Furthermore We've learnt that that the Garda's have moved againist them in the last hour.
Venus and Natasha have climbed a tree in the grounds of the Israeli Embassy,
they mantain that they will remain in the tree and stay on hunger strike
until the Israeli Ambassador speaks to them.
This is their statement.
The Irish Consulate in Tel Aviv David Gunniy made a statement that they are
holding the Israeli government responsible for the lives of Irish citizens
Caoimhe Butterly and Mary Kelly.
We are very concerned that both the Geneva Convention and the Oslo accord
that protects the lives of the innocent civilian in Palestine and recognises
Palestine as a Palestinian state are being ignored.
We are waiting here for the Israeli ambassador to come and speak to us. We
want to be given complete assurance that at the very least, the lives of our
best friend Caoimhe and Butterly and our friend Mary Kelly and all the other
international observers are safe and that no further harm will come to them
Furthermore we demand an explination for the shooting of the aidworkers,
international journalists observers, and innocent Palestinian civilians.
We've just learnt that Natasha has been forceably removed from the tree by
Garda, despite previous assurances from them that this would not be a course
of action they would undertake. Furthermore the Garda are intimidating
protestors who are videotaping them, and threating supporters with arrest.
Comments (13 of 13)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13It's about time we had their ambassador kicked out. I'll be at the GR meeting tonight, other people are going to the Anti War and Palestinian Solidarity meetings- we should really organise an all out turn out that could pull in hundreds of people. With hundreds of Palestinian flags, trade union and student union banners.
A lot of people haven't heard yet because of the Easter break. If we built for a mass turn out on Saturday, and plastered the town with posters and leaflets, it might create a larger momentum. Its been a long time since 1972
This is outrageous that Natasha has been forceably removed from the tree at the Israeli Embassy by the Garda, despite previous assurances from them that this would not be a course of action that they would undertake. One lesson that I think we can learn from this for the future is that at any future Protests that we're at that any 'assurances' from the Gardai are not worth the paper that they're printed on. What's just as bad is that the Garda are intimidating protestors who are videotaping them, and threating supporters with arrest. Shades of the Burlington? I'll tell you what's also probably annoying the establishment is that the Protest at the Embassy is starting to get some corporate media attention and they don't like that at all! Here's a fairly good article from today's Irish Times Breaking News Story updated at 15:02 (3:02pm) Irish Time about the Embassy Protest. It can be accessed by logging onto
Should have put that Web Address in the Related Link section.
We have to show that we will not accept the actions displayed here. The actions of the Israel state and those of the Gardai, I for one support a major demo on Saturday.
Lets not have it hijacked as a political ploy by anyone, what we want to show is solidarity with the people in palestine, local and international, Venus and Natasha and all who were threatened by the Gardai at this protest.
Joe -
What do you mean by this?
"It's about time we had their ambassador kicked out".
What exactly are you suggesting? It strikes me at first as a little threatening and undemocratic.
Italian MPs are calling for european MPs to go and create physical barrier in Palestine - why shouldnt Irish Govt show disapproval of Israeli actions by taking Ambassadors visa.
I have been trying to contact the IPSC for weeks
but cannot find either a telephone number or an
email address that works. Does anybody have one?
What is needed is a campaign (which, unfortunately, will be a long one, like the
Anti-Apartheid Campaign) in which all Israeli
produce and products are boycotted -- a campaign
like this has already started in the UK and we need a similar one here. (See the related link.)
Is anybody working on this? If so, I want to offer
my help. If nobody is working on such a campaign
but there are people who want to get involved,
then how do we start?
As well as an economic boycott, we should also seek to have Israel thrown out of Eurovision and UEFA -- its membership of these is, of course, just another sign of the European colonial nature of the state.
What I mean is that the embassy of a racist state like Israel should not be given any official recognition, and that any representative of such a brutal and repressive regime be sent packing home. Let's remember that our country's rulers have had a shameful record of diplomatic relationships with brutal regimes- from Dev sending condolences to the German embassy on Hitler's death, to our current boot licking of the Commander in Thief. If Suharto's croneys were here during the pillage of East Timor, I'm sure you'd agree that we should send his representatives home. Well, I think the same with reps of the Zionist state.
If there was ever a need for the adjectives "violent" and "undemocratic", It would be to describe what the Israeli Defence Force and it's secret security deathsquads are doing in Palestine.
Is Venus still up the tree or has she been forced to come down ?
still there see front page
Is the protest officially on at the central bank or the isreali embassy? What kind of turn-out is expected? I dont live in Dublin so its difficult for me to find out about protests.
The boycott against Zionist produce sounds a good idea. Hit them in the pockets and they'll have less money to spend on murdering young children or wheelchair bound clerics.
I am curious to know if a Garda can in fact operate in the embassy as it is foreign soil?
Surly he or she would have no power whatsoever.
I wonder if anyone knows the procedure one would have to go through to grant a garda power of arrest or any power in foreign zones, what paper work one would have to do and the time frame it would take to do it?
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