The citizens? association ATTAC na hÉireann will demonstrate today at 3pm outside the Referendum Commission to demand fair and balanced information on the privatisation consequences of the Nice Treaty. Members of Libertarians against Nice will join them there
Press Release - Oct/10/2002 - No embargo
Libertarians against Nice
Libertarians against Nice support ATTAC picket of the referendum commission
The citizens? association ATTAC na hÉireann will demonstrate today at 3pm outside the Referendum Commission to demand fair and balanced information on the privatisation consequences of the Nice Treaty. Members of Libertarians against Nice will join them there.
Andrew Flood of LAN said
"The Referendum Commission has been refusing to provide information critical of the changes to Article 133 in the Nice referendum. This is despite the fact that the changes to this article are central to the opposition of groups like ATTAC and LAN who are campaigning for a No vote. We have learned that even in response to an individual enquiry specifically on this article the Referendum Commission failed to provide even the documents submitted to them by ATTAC and the Forum on Europe on this issue.
"The Nice treaty represents an important step in the EU's privatisation agenda. Nice will change Article 133 of the Treaty of Europe, so that the un-elected European Commission gains the power to impose "uniformity in measures of liberalisation". What this means is that they can order national governments to privatise services.
"Article 133 will also give the EU Council and Commission power to negotiate agreements with the WTO, rather then national governments. At the WTO summit in Seattle in 1999, the EU commission announced their support for a bio-technology working party, causing 15 EU trade ministers to issue a joint statement of disagreement. If Nice passes, their disagreements would be irrelevant.
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More information on Article 133 at
Libertarians against Nice