sp,sf,swp and green campaigns leave a lot to be desired.
With the notable exception of LAN the various left campaigns are colourless and unimaginative. LAN has produced 50,000 leaflets and has got most of them already distributed around the parts of the country where they have people.
I believe that large areas of the country have not even one poster up, even in quiet large towns! So much for the large 'National' parties, who have no trouble getting cars and vans out to bring voters out on election days, can they not send a few of these around the country, and put up posters? Or are they serious about winning Nice now that they have a few TD'S and Dail seats?
AFRI has produced an excellent poster with a straightforward and clear message, but where is the SWP and SP campaigns? either door to door leafleting or posters, are they serious? The SF and green posters are shit and confusing as well, what happened to NO TO NATO NO TO NICE at least that was clearly understood. I hate to say it but Barrett's poster is better than either the green or sf one, this time out.
Also why are most of the left groups not using the corruption issue more? Is it because bertie has something on them? and they are afraid that he will use it against them if they drop their gentlemanly poses and fight dirty. I am aware that this message will either be taken down by Ray or responded to in a way that answers absolutely none of the issues raised above and that muddies the waters, instead of giving some kind of honest explanation, if so I wont bother replying to any such nonsense. I suppose the party hacks will tell me how great their posters and door to door campaigning really is!