Mayday Reclaim the Streets Dublin
national | miscellaneous | news report
Thursday March 28, 2002 14:41
by Street Party!!!!!!!!!! - Reclaim the Streets
rtsmayday at yahoo dot co dot uk
The plans are in place, we need more people to get involved.
In particular, we need to publicise this, so anyone who can leaflet, sticker, anything, get in touch.
We also need people to do creative stuff, banners, flags, face-painting, whatever. there will be workshops in advance of the day to prepare all this.
We need music/entertainers on the day also. We need musicians, artists, cooks, chippies, welders, skaters, goths, punks, krusties, family, friends, kids, parents, grandparents, everybody!!!!!!!!!! Samba, drums, tin-pots, bodhrans, uileann pipes, anything goes!!!!!!
We want to supply food on the day also. Anyone working in the oul catering industry who would be interested in getting on board, contact us!!!!
anyone else who was at the meeting and feels that I have left out anything (or indeed, misinterpreted anything decided at the meeting) please comment, add, amend etc...
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Jump To Comment: 1 2i dunno about everyone in ireland but i lived in england all my life till last year. i remember RcTs in 1994 The republic of watsotonia. ARSE stopping the M11 by street parties.BOLLOCKS. guess what it didint happen. This party wont happento do anything unless their strict leadership happen to okay it. yes they have leadership but they are all obscure academics, i know cos i was involved. GIVE me platform anarchists anyday.
arghh shut up ye negative prick.