2nd Grassroots Gathering this weekend in Cork
national | miscellaneous | news report
Tuesday March 26, 2002 16:08
by Andrew - The Struggle site
andy at tao dot ca
The second Grassroots Gathering in on this weekend in Cork - don't miss it
Second Grassroots Gathering: taking back control of our lives
Cork Autonomous Zone, Knapp St. (beside Cork Arts Theatre / CATClub, across the bridge from the Opera House) March 29th (from 7.30 on) and 30th (11 am till late)
Skills-based workshops by activists, for activists, to make links across movements
worldwide networking against capitalist globalisation - direct action against war - yoga - alternative economic organisation - the criminalisation of activism - drumming - animal rights - where to after Sept. 11th? - gender and activism - meditation - and more!
Easter Sunday - join the protest at the Old Head of Kinsale
The Grassroots Gathering is a bottom-up network of activists from different movements committed to anti- authoritarian radical action. You can see more about it on the Web at http://grassrootsgathering.freeservers.com
A detailed timetable etc. will be available soon - contact if you need more details or phone Eoghan at 01-8828673 or 087-6575580.
There is a map showing the location of the gathering and a PDF file of a poster/leaflet advertising it at http://grassrootsgathering.freeservers.com
The Grasroots Gathering aims towards a network which would
- Be based on the principle that people should control their own lives and work together as equals, as part of how we work as well as what we are working towards.
- Within the network this means rejecting top-down and state-centred forms of organisation (hierarchical, authoritarian, expert-based, Leninist etc.) We need a network that?s open, decentralised, and really democratic.
- Call for solutions that involve ordinary people controlling their own lives and having the resources to do so: the abolition, not reform, of global bodies like the World Bank and WTO, and a challenge to underlying structures of power and inequality.
- Organise for the control of the workplace by those who work there.
- Call for the control of communities by the people who live there.
- Argue for a sustainable environmental, economic and social system, agreed by the people of the planet.
- Working together in ways which are accessible to ordinary people, particularly women and working-class people, rather than reproducing feelings of disempowerment and alienation within our own network.
More info http://grassrootsgathering.freeservers.com
Further updates send an email to [email protected]
Grassroots Gathering update
The second Grassroots Gathering is taking place this weekend in Cork. If you don?t know what the Grassroots Gathering is then have a look at http://grassrootsgathering.freeservers.com
This mail is an update on the initial announcement consisting of a more detailed agenda and accommodation details.
Agenda (via Nancy.L.Serrano [email protected] )
March 29 - 7.30pm evening intro session, PGA talk, followed by socializing mania!
March 30th - 11am - 7pm workshops 2/3 parallel sessions
March 31st - some buses will be provided to go to Kinsale to the Old Head!
Definite workshops:
- People's Global Action - intro to the truely worldwide movement
- Alternative economic organisations - ecological, ethical money..possible?
- Criminalisation of activists - you terrorist, me activist
- Animal rights - helping our fury and scaley friends
- Where to after Sept. 11th? - more plane-proof skyscrapers please!
- Gender + activism - men are from mars..Women rather they'd stayed there!
- Drumming - community co-operation in practise!
- Yoga - do da twist baby!
- Meditation - in case you wanna catch some winks! AHEM..reach a higher level...
- Non-hierarchical orgs. - working practicalities, reclaiming our lives back from never-ending MEETINGS!
- Moulding our New World - dirty, sticky, gundgey clay workshop!
- Techniques of direct action, non violence - for No to War campaign, flag that plane down!
If you know someone who can do any of these....please e-mail me!
unconfirmed workshops:
- Presentation by the UK women about the PGA conference in Bolivia
- Chaos theory and complex adaptive systems - new Business structures taking their cue from mother nature
- Debate on violence and non-violence - two speakers (now confirmed)
- Juggling (Eoin O'Bs looking for someone)
- 30-minute walks around Cork - alternative green tour? - ANY TAKERS? Da locals?
Accomodation (via james mcbarron [email protected])
Need somewhere to sleep at the gathering bring a sleeping bag and you'll get floor space in someones home or in the CAZ itself.
Lost or confused phone
James 021 4322561 or Scooter 087 9572438
Obviously when the gathering is on the mobile is a better bet
More information, maps etc at http://grassrootsgathering.freeservers.com
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Comments (5 of 5)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5this is mre like the sort of stuiff what should be on the news wire because people can access the international sites for international news. It should be ireland only news reporting because its an IRISH indymedia site. Thants why people access it to find out whats going on in irelad. and all the time its international. There is enuff goin on in this country to fill ten newswires with controversy. think about it...
>There is enuff goin on in this country to fill ten newswires with controversy. think about it...
is there? good stuff, please start posting it here, or post some links to it. That's what the newswire is here for.
wow 50 wankers in one room the rich are surely shitting themselves i mean meditate against capitalism. SORRY waste of time one wonders if the WSM is using the hippies to try and brain wash them.
i went along to the last one of these and it is obviously a wsm front job. You right they are obviously trying to convince theenvironmentalists to follow them into net activism. A week later conor mcloughlin of the wsm put out an e-mail on the dreadful global ireland list (also a wsm front job) saying that no-one who went to their first so called grass roots gathering was worth bothering to contact about the anti-war demo in Shannon except for three he named. So if they think that little of their allies i can't see how they believe the mass of teh people are going to make a revolution.
Not to sure what is meant by saying the Grassroots Gathering is a WSM front beyond what is public knowledge (ie that we were one of the groups that started it off and that we take part in it). Anyway the next one is probably in Belfast where we currently have no members at all, perhaps this will satisfy the terminally suspicious!
BTW the Cork GG went pretty well with about 70 attending. I didn't go to the 'hippie' sessions but most of the workshops I attended were worthwhile (alternative media, anti war, violence V non violence, People Global Action etc). I'll do a report for the Ainriail list if I have time