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The AIC and Palestine Indymedia![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "it is with deep regret that we are forced to announce that due the latest developments in IMCP, we are forced to detach our collective from IMCP in respect to hosting this group." - the Alternative Information Center Dear Friends, As of year 2000 the Alternative Information Center proposed to individuals and organisations in the area of Bethlehem (Palestine) to develop a local media center networked with the IMC network. Our proposition recognised both the global importance of IMC project and the centrality of the cause of Palestinian liberation. Though our own youth group and other connections we sought to develop the impetus to create and run an IMC site run by Palestinians and in full recognition of the independence of the IMC from the AIC. The AIC collective understands that the Palestinian Intifada is central to the global struggle against imperialism and it wars in the Arab East, in Central Asia, in Africa and in Latin America. We, like IMC, recognise that the liberation of the Palestinian people is conditioned by the outcome of the struggle between the interests of international capital and social justice. For this reason, the AIC was ready to support the building of the IMC Palestine out of its own slim resources, providing space, facilities, connectivity and support staff. The AIC was very pleased to host an IMC. The AIC gives special attention to local and global radical democratic struggles and the colonial nature of the State of Israel. The AIC collective is a Palestinian-Israeli venture that disseminates information, research and political analysis on Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while promoting cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis based on the values of social justice, solidarity and community Because of our continued commitment to these shared values and practices, the Alternative Information Center collective will continue to seek deeper cooperation with the IMC network and will continue to cooperate with it wherever it operates, and in whatever way it is in our power to assist. However, it is with deep regret that we are forced to announce that due the latest developments in IMCP, we are forced to detach our collective from IMCP in respect to hosting this group. IMCP is today involved in a partisan and sectarian quarrel with which we want no part. The AIC fully rejects the discriminatory, sectarian and male-chauvinistic trends that have appeared in the IMCP. We take particular exception to the sectarian conditions imposed on the local participation in the IMCP project. We believe that the disagreements created by the self interest of individuals/groups are not only destructive to the group but impact extremely negatively on the Palestinian cause. The behaviour of certain actors is reinforcing internal division and creating distrust and acrimony within a community already under brutal repression. At present, IMC Palestine represents neither the ethos of IMC nor the AIC and we strongly recommend that the IMC Palestinian site be suspended. We recommend this not because of any interest in AIC involvement with the IMCP, but because it is a destructive force within the Palestinian community. We also recommend that IMC seeks to gather the opinions of all the participants in the failed IMCP, in order to move forward with the rebuilding of the Palestinian IMC in such a way that it reflects the goals of social justice disseminated by IMC and thus to be a force for positive support for the Palestinian people. With respect and in solidarity. The AIC.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Rampant sectarianism on Indymedia Ireland has also switched many people off this newswire. An outsider would believe that anarchists or environmentalists hate socialists or republicans more than the Government or capitalism itself.
I agree with Justin Moran from Sinn Fein..this is getting very tired indeed. Only Green/environmental issues seem to make the features section- nothing about the Short Strand, racist murders in Dublin, the October 4th Trade Union National Day of Action.....
But plenty of Zionist spam and COINTELPRO "The Reds and the Republicans are the real enemy".
'Winston Smith' would be a lot easier to take seriously were it not for the fact that he is obviously the SWP organiser who has been posting here using other people's ID's in at attempt to stir up bad feeling!
His Cointelpro reference is amusing as most left writers on that (FBI) program agree that one of its most effective methods was getting its agents to accuse other activists of being cops. The rows that developed caused enormous damage to the movement and in some cases (Black Panthers) led to the killing of those falsely accused. The brits have pulled the same trick in the north.
The golden rule from this is that if someone engages in that sort of behaviour think long and hard about what their real motivation may be.
What on earth does that have to do with the article?
What exactly is the problem - so people criticise the swimmers and the shinners - so what? If anyone has problems with the editorial bent of IMC then get involved in the editorial list and do something about what is featured on the front page / there is no barrier to people from sinn fein or the swp doing this. In fact a few feature writers with a broad range of interests is most welcome.
I personally am convinced that a lot of SWP bashing and Shinner bashing is by green/red baiters. So what should we do? Ignore it and it will go away. SWp tend to rise to the bait - that is not a problem generated by IMC IRL. The 'rampant' sectarianism is there all right if u go looking for the threads. People can choose to ignore such threads if they want to.
Who are the 'many people' who have been turned off because of this supposedly 'rampant' sectarianism against sf and swp. I think they are a figment of comrade Winston's imagination. 'OOh it is horrible but I have to look is more like it'.
As a IMC watcher and volunteer I reckon the opposite is true - a more and more diverse and active community is using IMC now and it is thankfully gone beyond the possibility of control of any one group. This I think is as good an example of healthy co-operation and avoidance of sectarianism within the left as one will find anywhere here in erron. Beyond control - is this what the problem really is?
So the call for some kind of censorship from winston is thrown in the bin. Open publishing is beautiful but u get out what u put in. Want less spam on newswire. Write articles of interest and post. Want less sectarianism - get your people to ignore the trolls. Want features on different subjects - write them.
As for the pathetic attempt to portray IMC as a coven of - god forbid - greenies - and the accusation of features having an environmentalist agenda - bullshit - features are there for all to see on Sellafield Meltdown, Ecotopia, Public Order Act, Reclaim the Streets, Publication of Ansbacher, Nice Treaty, Shannon Warport, Israel. Greenies obviously put some work into generating articles so they get published - good on em. Any group has the potential to do the same.
Shitstirring will get u nowhere -
"An outsider would believe that anarchists or environmentalists hate socialists or republicans more than the Government or capitalism itself."
Umm... they do.