Short Strand Seige
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news report
Tuesday September 10, 2002 10:02
by Chris O Ralaigh - Ogra Shinn Fein Atha Cliath
aprn32 at irlnet dot com
44 Cearnog Pharnell, Baile Atha Cliath 1, Eire
01-872 6932

Ogra Shinn Fein Atha Cliath visit to Short Strand
On Sunday 8th September Ogra Shinn Fein Atha Cliath paid a visit to the Short Strand area of East Belfast.
Short Strand has been subjected to a continuous onslught from loyalist paramilitaries, and increasingly from the RUC/PSNI, for the past 4 months. Pipe bombs, blast bombs, petrol bombs, nail encased fireworks and bricks are the weapons of choice for the attackers, while their cohorts in the British army and so-called police use the more traditional plastic bullets.
We were hosted by members of the local community and shown a video of the attacks of a single night last week, inwhich hundreds of projectiels were hurled into the Short Strand. The video showed all of the above and included repeated footage of the British army and RUC/PSNI completely ignoring the attacks, even whilst petrol bombs and fireworks rained down on residents and their houses.
On occasions when members of the community came out to defend their homes or question why the police were facilitating the onslaught, they were attcked with plastic bullets and batons.
Ogra Shinn Fein calls on the British secretary of state to intervene immediately and put an end to this outrage by arresting the loyalist ring leaders of this sectarian campaign. We are also demanding that Bertie Ahern raises this issue with Tony Blair and at a minimum attempts to alieviate the suffering of the Short Strand. They are after all Irish citizens. But then again people from the Short Strand arent part of the 26 county electorate, and as such, I cant see Bertie doing to much.
Ogra Shinn Fein Atha Cliath wishes to thank the people of the Short Strand for their hospitality and commend their courage and patience.
Chris O Ralaigh
Ogra Shinn Fein Atha Cliath