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Spirit of Contradiction
| Long live Capitalism!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Capitalism brings wealth and prosperity to many! What is wrong with you people? You complain about Capitalism - why? What is wrong with private enterprise? Do you wish for the world to take a huge step backwards? Private enterprise (capitalism) brings wealth and prosperity to many. It is not our fault that so called 3rd world countries are poor. The majority of prosperous countries were themselves poor at one stage in their lifetime. It is the people who make the countries what they are today. The people of poor countries should get off their lazy arses and try to make a living, instead of sponging off the wealthy. Anti-capitalist’s wish to create an archaic society. This would be a huge backward step which would have grave consequences. Progress brings prosperity. That prosperity is then passed onto the workers (not shirkers) of the world. Anti-capitalist’s often claim they are pacifists who take a non-violent approach to their short sighted campaigns. They have no regard for private property. They carry out PRE-MEDITATED violence on totally innocent parties. I hear you asking what type of violence - I say organised riots, looting and the use of weapons which can maim and kill (petrol bombs). Anti-capitalists, and other organisations, will NEVER be taken seriously when they have no regard for their fellow citizens. They are scum of the earth. Where do the anti-capitalist scum get their money from to organise their riots? From donations via the benefit system - paid for by hard working capitalists! Woolfey Smith |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2private enterprise (entrepeneurship) is not the same as capitalism, actually that should read capitalism is not private enterprise! capitalism is the control of access to and use of capital (surplus value created through historic labour) and credit (borrowing on the basis of future labour). This system of control has resulted in a situation where over 95% of all the wealth ever created by humanity is now trapped in the system of currency speculation, unusable for any prooductive purpose. This is one of the lesser inconsistancies in capitalism, in it's latest guise (consumerism) it is considered to be growth if you can sell more products to the same market at lower cost, although the mechanisms for creating this market growth require the destruction of larger potential markets through explotitive labour and resource extraction methods. capitalism requires trans-national bureaucratic organisations to maintain "free"market structures. it is, in its current form the result of bretton woods and similar conferences after wwII and the theories of a small group of post-war economists. it is not final, it is not historic, and it is certainly not the only way.
those who are now protesting against the system (25,000 in barcelona on friday, more than 250,000 on saturday - wall st. journal figures) may not yet have the answers to the problems we face as a planet, but they recognise that the cause of our recent major problems is not likely to be a solution to anything but the continuation of a gulf between those who have acquired control of and those who suffer the effects of historic capital and capitalism.
of those I know in the anti-capitalist movement, most do not agree with property destruction and none with violence against people, although some are willing to protect themselves against violence. I've never seen a molotov cocktail on the streets and the first weapons used have usually been rubber bullets and batons, rather than the stones and sticks which come as a response from some.
I do not know what the outcome will be, but being a quiet slave satisfied with buying trinkets and baubles is not going to enough ever again. if capitalism is to continue then it must show its true face of oppression and exploitation.
Oh Yes 38 dead babies die of hunger a day what a fantastic system !