No peace with the German conditions!We have come, and we will stay. This house was occupied by people with Kufiya in 1989. In 2024 the Kufiya will return – whether you like it or not!
We bring you two messages:
The first goes to the “Red” Flora: We are not coming to your table. We'll go into the house, do our thing, and if you want, you can talk to us. But your plenum doesn't exist to us.
The second message is: The politics of every house that is not dependent on the German state can and will be determined by migrants and anti-imperialist leftists. Let's throw out the imperial NATO leftists and “anti-German” Israel fetishizers! The time has long since come.
Ve’eyn Shalom
No peace with the German conditions!
We have come, and we will stay. This house was occupied by people with Kufiya in 1989. In 2024 the Kufiya will return – whether you like it or not!
We bring you two messages:
The first goes to the “Red” Flora: We are not coming to your table. We'll go into the house, do our thing, and if you want, you can talk to us. But your plenum doesn't exist to us.
The second message is: The politics of every house that is not dependent on the German state can and will be determined by migrants and anti-imperialist leftists. Let's throw out the imperial NATO leftists and “anti-German” Israel fetishizers! The time has long since come.
You have shut us – anti-imperialist leftists, Palestinians, critical Jews, left-wing Israelis, Muslims – up for over 20 years. Not only that – you have been inciting against us. Your event calendars have been cleansed of Palestinian, Arab and Jewish voices that do not correspond to your philo-anti-Semitic world view. Your cronies have even attacked Esther Bejarano, Auschwitz survivor, Hamburg socialist and Anti-Zionist, with their completely twisted, abused term of Anti-Semitism. We will not forgive you for that. And what you've known for a long time but don't admit to yourselves: Turkish, British, Italian, Swedish comrades – everywhere outside Germany just shake their heads when they hear about you.
Yes, there are groups worth of supporting in the “Red” Flora, as far as we know mainly migrant and feminist groups. We will fight together with them. They have also long since joined our demonstrations. We believe they are a strong minority in the “Red” Flora. Some of them don't dare to speak up – a repressive atmosphere that the cliques that set the tone in this building have been producing for decades! Of course we want to reach the marginalized internationalists. We would also like to encourage visitors who have nothing to do with the “anti-German“ ideology to speak freely and take a clear stand against war and racism. Dare to seek and win the struggle!
But we say to the hegemonic “Anti-Germans” in the “Red” Flora and also to the “Interventionist Left” (IL): This will not be an Oslo for you! We will not discuss your Kufiya ban with you. We will not discuss with you the legitimacy of the flag of Palestine, nor the legitimacy of the red flag. The “Anti-Germans” will leave because they don't want to breathe the same air as Muslims, Palestinians and other damned of the earth. The “IL” will insist, with the most disgusting hypocrisy, on coming to their table and „reaching a solution together”.
You have never – not once, neither as an organization nor as individuals – demonstrated with us. Not once did you stand with us against the genocide and its economic follow-up plans, which are covered up by German imperialism because they are highly profitable for German corporations. You have not even said a word about it! What you are doing in this matter means a cross-front for the German raison d'état.
While our parents, our siblings were being torn apart by bombs, starved or put in administrative detention, also under the auspices of the German government, you were “organizing” rave parties and producing Instagram photos for your white radical chic. At best, in your abstinence from our demonstrations, you have advocated left-liberal positions such as higher taxes for the rich – even that only half-heartedly. But you remain silent about the German state and the brutal enforcement of its imperial interests. You seriously put your trust into this state and into the bourgeois media who tell you that it is about combating Anti-Semitism and a historical obligation because of Auschwitz. This is an insult to the victims and survivors!
We say it with Primo Levi: Your children shall turn their faces away from you!
Who are we?
We are hundreds of organized people here in Hamburg. The genocide in Gaza has brought us together. We are thousands here in Hamburg who need a house and the means of production to raise the necessary funds for legal aid and migration lawyers. There are tens of thousands of us here in Hamburg who need a place to go if we want to organize ourselves, especially as migrants. And we are hundreds of thousands who know that fascism is coming. We know that we urgently need houses where we no longer have to beg for venues and hope that we won't be turned down at the last minute.
There are many more practical reasons – more on that in the coming weeks.
Above all, however, we now need a place where Palestinians and Arabs, internationalists and Muslim and Jewish leftists can finally speak and gather freely again without being attacked by the Springer “Antifa”.
If you are not interested in the fight against US and NATO imperialism in the Middle East – like everywhere else in the world – then get the fuck out of our houses!
And we hereby also call on all musicians to join us at events in places where Danger Dan was recently allowed to let off his German emotional scream. Hany, K.I.Z, 42 and all those uninvited: Build counterculture with us!
We are sending out a signal to all cities. Take what's yours! The time of the perpetrators' grandson “Antifas” is over. Their groups have disintegrated, their fighting power has waned. There are too many of us!
Palestine does not divide the left in Germany. Palestine breathes new life into it!