Independent Media Centre Ireland

Saving the European Union and Russia

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Friday July 01, 2022 16:59author by Anthony Ravlich - Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

If States of the EU have independent foreign policies some would import Russia oil

States of the EU could have independent foreign policies if the EU adopted ethical human rights which also has a spiritual dimension. Some would very likely import Russia oil.

Saving the European Union and Russia:

India seems to have an independent foreign policy which enables them to remain any ally of America but also import oil from Russia so why can’t the States of the European Union.
This would not negate the existence of the EU if the latter adopted ethical human rights and only held States to account if they violated the core minimum of the human rights of the Universal Declaration of Human rights i.e. such as in cases of extreme violence or extreme poverty.
Because the EU only deals with core minimum human rights it would allow States considerable sovereignty in determining higher levels of human rights and would not have to engage in cancelling Russia culture. And most importantly because some States would decide to import oil from Russia this would help ensure Russia is not totally isolated from the European Union which seems to be driven largely by America i.e the cancel culture of the woke.
This would help save the European Union from decline and also seem to lessen the likelihood of nuclear war. Also, ethical human rights being based on universal human rights truth it would add a spiritual dimension to the EU because human rights would be for all which reflects the soul rather than strongly favouring elites which is the case under neoliberalism which prioritizes collectives over individual rights which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is meant to emphasize.
Also, neoliberalism uses social class discrimination to crush the potential of the independent people creating a more intellectually backward tribal society. The latter is most explicitly seen with Maori tribalism which discriminates on the ground of birth (whakapapa) creating many social outcasts. In my view, New Zealanders fear being call racist so do not criticise Maori culture (whereas I do not care see my blog and book, which is free, in sections, on my blog,

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