West Midlands Police Are An Utter Disgrace
Police betray their duties in the UK and allow a small child to be killed by psychopathic monsters.
In October, I wrote about the failures of the West Midlands police force in the UK and their willful negligence which led to the disturbing death of a young boy by the name of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes.
Today, Arthur’s stepmother and his father were found guilty of murder and manslaughter, respectively, after it was proven in a court of law that they had tortured and starved the child for months, prior to inflicting lethal damage to his skull in ruthless child homicide.
Difficult-to-watch footage was revealed showing Arthur struggle to stand upright and walk - possibly the effects of been deliberately poisoned with salt - while he screamed out that nobody loved him.
A hugely frustrating fact about this callous act of pure, unfiltered evil is how taxpayer-funded authorities ignored alerts to the horrific treatment that Arthur had been subjected to at home. It has been uncovered that a relative of the boy had previously approached the police and reported that he had seen bruising on the child’s body. Arthur’s uncle, Daniel Hughes, very clearly stated that, because of this, he was concerned about the welfare of the child. He asked the police to intervene.
This was a mistake. Little did Uncle Daniel know that the buffoon he was reporting this to was an indoctrinated, COVID-19 cultist who was entirely devoted to enforcing the diktats of billionaire elitists and had absolutely no interest in combatting child abuse.
Daniel was told by, what can only be described as, a COVID-obsessed moron that he himself would be arrested for breaking pandemic laws if he went back to the house to check on his nephew. Instead of rushing to the attention of a boy whose life was in danger, West Midlands’ finest fanatically prioritised ludicrous, ineffective regulations that were - and continue to be - pointless, needless garbage. Grown men and women in uniforms, supposedly paid salaries to protect the vulnerable, were more concerned with a bout of flu than they were with a child been battered and brutalised.
Yes! Believe it or not, these inept, repugnant fools had only just viewed a photograph, given to them by Daniel, of the 6-year-old’s injuries when a threat was made, instead, to detain the concerned relative. The photograph, as well as the uncle’s report of the suspected abuse, was subsequently ignored and the murder of Arthur was allowed to occur not so long afterwards.
Remember, this is the same police force who recently boasted on social media of collecting £700,000 in COVID-19 fines. While they were out stealing from the public and engaging in tyranny - following orders like mindless imbeciles - they were, at the same time, turning a blind eye to ACTUAL criminality - the worst of its kind.
This is policing in the 21st century, ladies and gentlemen. Long gone are the days of the boys in blue coming to the aid of abused children. Rather, today, we have a gang of cognitively disabled, incompetent, mentally incapacitated, useless, brainwashed halfwits enforcing the policies of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, while they allow innocent children to be maliciously killed.
West Midlands Police force, in this lousy excuse for policing, has proven itself to be an utter disgrace and an embarrassment to the nation and the people it is supposed to be serving. Their actions - or lack thereof, in this case - are a degradation to law enforcement as a whole.
Gary Jordan
The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies
[email protected]
Contributor to The Irish Sentinel