Open Letter to The People of the Mission San Francisco,
While working with a small gtoup of people, we sought to halt the bio weapon experimentation being done on the people of the Mission District in San Francisco. We had pretty much no success. Very few people semed to care that this was and still is happening. Of course not the medical/murder professionals. I could not take the sight of this anymore and returned to my home country, where we are FIGHTING!!!!
Open Letter to The People of the Mission San Francisco,
I am writing this letter with a very heavy heart. I do not understand why you are seemingly so very eager to allow this U.S. Government to deplete the Spanish speaking population. When the Danish people were burning the test and vaccine sites, they eventually took their case to International Criminal Court and won. They won in INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT .
Which means what is happening is a crime against humanity. You and others in San Francisco are accepting that as the new normal. Yes, I am proud to be from a country that does not and will not accept any of that.
Austria, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Holland, Norway, Ireland, France. Germany and more have stopped all of what you call vaccinations, due to the fact that what you have been taught to call them vaccines. are not, and are killing people, not any coronavirus. The evidence of that is plentiful. That is one of the biggest reasons these and many more countries are protesting and calling all this which you are fully accepting, biological terrorism. Just tis month, there was a 40 country protest seeking to stop these mass murders by lethal injection and much more.
The Jewish community is Israel is speaking of this as a second Jewish Holocaust, There are medical professionals who really care about life, and are calling this, Medical Racism, A modern day Tuskegee Experiment done on the whole world, & a worldwide Apartheid. Medical Racism is also a film. Are you not reading any information about the numbers of people who are dying from these bio weapons, because that is what you are having injected in you. It is not any vaccine. Have you noticed that is the countries where mainly white people live that are protesting, and stopping the murders of their people!!!!!
I pointed out to a person living in San Francisco, who is from one of those countries, what people in our part of the world are doing concerning this bio weapon mess. To which this person replied, That is because we are the smarter people. That same person also said, I am not going to take that stuff, but since I have a business here, I will say that I did, because it may hurt my business if I do not say, yes, I took the vaccines. That is exactly what is being done to you.
PLEASE, take the time and do extensive research. If you do, you will find it is not any coronavirus that is killing people. These bio weapons work at different rates of speed. STOP BEING SO EAGER TO LET YOUR GOVERNMENT MURDER YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!
I have returned to my country, where we are FIGHTING. I just could no longer stand the sight of people in the Mission and their children falling in line to be executed, some sooner, some later. A small group of people, including me, tried to stop it, but it did not work. Heaven help you.