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Decoding the News: Fear Mongering reaches new heights on reports of hospitals Overflowing![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bringing perspective to the news that the media refuse to do
All the news media in Ireland have gone ballistic in the last few days ramping up the Covid fear to new extreme levels. There are already 100,000s of people absolutely terrified by their misleading news and this sustained level of fear for over 10 months now is very likely leading to very dangerous health conditions for these people leading to heart conditions, mental issues, cancer and all sorts of problems caused largely by the extreme stress that they have put themselves under because unfortunately the media and the politicians are giving highly distorted, mis-leading inaccurate and sensational news about the Covid situation. A good example is the news from the past few days where we are told the hospitals are overflowing with Covid patients and as of today it is claimed 46 are death. The aim of this article is to bring some context and reality to this, something the mainstream media and politicians and their bureaucrats are strenuously going out of their way to not do. Related Links: First week of 2020 ‘worst ever’ for hospital overcrowding | -Passport to Tyranny | A global team of experts has found 10 FATAL FLAWS in the main test for Covid and is demanding it’s urgently axed. As they should | Irish Doctor resigns from Medical Council after criticising mismanagement of Covid-19 | Australian Politician Calls for Criminal Trials of Health Bureaucrats who Banned Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Cure | Dr. Meryl Nass Discovers Hydroxychloroquine Experiments Were Designed to Kill COVID Patients – How Many Were Murdered? | Intevieww with Dr James Todaro discussing the Hydroxychloroquine #Lancetgate scandal and how the fraudulent study was uncovered So lets take the hospital admissions we are told there are thousands in the hospitals. Well if we go back to this time last year BEFORE Covid and check the Irish Times for Friday Jan 10th 2020 the headline reads:
So you would never know that listening to Tony (The Grinch) Holohan or Stephen Donnelly. What we find is that more or less every year during this middle two weeks in January, there is a peak in hospital admissions because this is the time that the annual peak in deaths occur due to flu and pneumonia. What the Covid scare mongers want people to believe is that for decades we have these peaks hit our hospitals every January, when it is the coldest time of the year and people's levels of Vitamin D is at its lowest and for some reason possibly due to political expediency that flu and colds have disappeared and has been replaced by Covid. It is simply impossible for this to happen. It makes no sense whatsoever.
We are also told that all those been admitted are Covid related. How do they know or claim this. For the past 10 months we have been blasted in the media and press about Covid symptoms and one can't help notice that they are pretty much identical to the range of symptoms from the common cold, a bad cough flu and possibly Covid. This means that anyone with any one of these diseases and who has been terrified by the health terrorists in the government is naturally going to think they have Covid and rush off to the hospital where they will naturally say that they think they have Covid. Who can blame them? Perhaps this is one source of the "Covid" confirmation. The second main source is the PCR Test for Covid. It has been pointed out many times to government officials and the media that this test is completely unreliable and is next to useless. It has a huge false positive rate and is unlikely to distinguish between someone with a Common Cold and Covid. And there is a good reason for that. The Common Cold virus is a member of the Corona Virus family and shares practically all of the genes. A previous article here: has already covered the story on the recent research paper a few months back by 10 leading scientists pointing out how useless and totally unreliable the PCR test. Indeed the original inventor of the PCR method, Larry Mullis winner of Nobel Prize for medicine said many times before he died that this test should NEVER been used in a medical setting as it is more of a research tool to be used in extreme care. So we more than likely have a casedemic but the increasing hospitalizations appear to give credibility to it so long as people are not made aware of this annual increase every winter. The same thing is going on in most of the other countries too. Probing further into the above Irish Times article for this time last year, you will also see as highlighted in the screen shots a link to a separate story that reports Flu killed 44 people as hundreds wait on trolleys in hospitals. What a coincidence that a similar number die today except it is claimed they are from Covid. Once again the PCR test is central and is the "proof" that the government uses the real scientists in the scientific community that have some spine and are less worried about their careers and reputation -have proven that there is no basis to make such claims using such a test. The obvious conclusion is that sadly for these people, -one you will find probably all of them actually died from pneumonia and happen to be near the end of their lifespan already. Because this has been the case all along with Covid. And yes the odd person a good bit younger do die too. And when that happens, the media cynically use these deaths to someone imply the deaths are happening in younger age groups The definition of a Covid death is extremely liberal and this is how they are claiming deaths possibly from other reasons as Covid deaths. In every single country the protocol on filling out a death certificate has been updated to strongly bias in favour of Covid as the leading cause. There are on average 83 deaths a day in Ireland every day, every year and they can call on these deaths and especially at this time since in January so many die of pneumonia also. Since these symptoms overlap with Covid -then they are Covid. See the screenshot here which captures the definition as described on the HSPC (Health Protection Surveillance Centre) website. What we are not hearing about is the huge increase in suicides and many of these ARE of younger people. There has been lots of anecdotal comments on social media about a huge increase already in this country. Back in October, a report on suicides in Japan showed a huge increased in 2020 and this is attributed to Covid-19 lockdowns. For example this report Lockdown Suicides Claimed More Lives in October Than 10 Months of COVID-19 In Japan says that in just October 2020, there were 2,153 in Japan which was an increase of 600 over previous years where it had been falling for the previous five years. That represents at approximately 33%. Similar reports are coming from the US in terms of reported suicide attempts are way up. Ireland had in 2018 352 deaths which fell from a high of 552 in 2009. An increase of the order of 33% would represent at least 120 additional deaths and the real increase could be more. If we count years lost for suicide, it is a lot higher than someone who is at the end of their life. It is alleged we are doing lockdowns to save our granny's but this is once simply emotional blackmail. Back in March after the government had locked down the country, they basically abandoned old people and threw old people from hospitals where Covid was present into nursing homes. As if that was not bad enough all through this, they have a policy of not treating the very old. Yet it has been demonstrated that Covid-19 is treatable with cheap generic drugs and the death rate can be dramatically lowered. See for example Dr De Brun's report on the mismanagement of Covid-19 in nursing homes by the government here: The government is desperate to give the impression that somehow -in their eyes at long last -that the people dying are getting progressively younger. This is not done as a straight lie but by careful presentation of facts and figures all of which of course are completely suspect when you dig into every one of them. You will noticed they emphasize the median age of Covid cases is far younger. By saying this and then reporting deaths a few seconds later, you will automatically think the deaths are of younger people. It is imperative on everyone to do their own research and digging. And you have do spend time and not expect these things to be presented on a plate to you. More importantly, the daily HSE reports which used to give the deaths by age group in an awkard cumulative format no longer contains any breakdown of the death figures by age. This is to hide the fact that as it happen all year, the median age of death was 82. They can't have figures like that floating around while they are trying to pretend it is people in their 40s and 50s who are affected. It is time to demand that the HSE publish the death by age figures again and retrospectively too!. So what is the point of all this? Well there are really two objectives. The first one is implied automatically by the sheer insane paranoid fear mongering panic and that is we should all gag our faces with masks that have been proven to be ineffective and to impose harsher restrictions and lockdowns. These are of course simply all police state measures and serve to destroy the economy and the very fabric of life. The second objective is simply to scare people into taking the experimental and potentially extremely dangerous vaccines. The government here and elsewhere are well aware the cat got out of the bag in terms of the risk and danger about the vaccines. The way to solve this is simply to change people's perception of the risk and it goes like this. Suppose someone said you have a 2.6% chance of very serious side effects from a vaccine or a 0.1% chance of ending up in hospital due to Covid. Clearly the Covid chance is smaller so why would you risk the vaccine? Most people wouldn't. But if your perception is changed and the figures are now and 20% chance of ending up in hospital due to Covid, then the vaccine is clearly lower risk and people would opt for it. Note the way this is setup. It is either the Vaccine or Covid. And that is what the government has done. They don't want any mention of other forms of treatment and there is practically zero discussion on how to boost your own immune system and make yourself generally healthier overall. And yet you can easily do that. Before discussing this any further, it is worth saying something about mutant strains of Covid or anything else for that matter. Every year there are mutant strains of the Flu, of the Common Cold and practically any other virus you care to mention. In fact, all viruses are constantly mutating and from the minute a new virus or rather strain of virus appears it will mutate. So all this talk of new mutant strains is simply to scare people. The mutant strains have been there from day one most likely. The word mutant itself especially in our culture tends to conjure up the idea of horror movies from Hollywood featuring such things. This is not the actual reality. The human body and every other living thing has been dealing with mutant strains for eons. This media hype is just that. However the hype serves a purpose and that is. People at some level know that Covid for the past year has largely affected the very old and vulnerable as the average age of death is 82. The role of the news of the mutant strain is to make the public think it is (of course) worse AND it affects younger people. What this does is change the risk perception between the Vaccine and Covid so that the public think whatever the risks with the Vaccine, the Covid ones are worse. And since every single media outlet, Big Tech social media outfit, government news, corporate news, politician, health bureaucrats and medical official more interested in their reputation and career than your health, -every one of these people are screaming every day for YOU to just take the vaccine and it is implied that this madness and the lockdowns will end. But if you probe further, you find that people like Matt Hancock in the UK government suggest we might need a vaccine every 6 months. If you check with the media, and airlines and say you find them pushing Health Passport Europe where in this new abnormal you won't be able to go anywhere without taking the vaccine. In China already in 100 cities you can't even take a taxi with one of these things. This new health passport should be called: The Passport to Tyranny Yet still we find hints and announcements that the so called miracle vaccines do not in fact protect those at most risk from Covid from being affected by it. Surely that is the whole point of the vaccine. And on and on it goes. Even the so called 95% efficiency of the vaccine is very suspect once you dig into the studies and get behind the figures as to how they categoriszed people with and without Covid. If you want to start digging into the propaganda to figure it out for yourself, see the list of links on this page here:
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7if you are thinking of taking the vaccine it would be a good idea to make sure you know some of the background context and facts and watch this in full
Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the covid-19 vaccine
See also
The outcome of what is presented in the video is to launch a campaign to stop medical discrimination to prevent private companies like airlines forcing the use of vaccines for travel
The Petition To Stop Forced Experimental Vaccines
Go to:
Caption: Video Id: yJmVXX33jP7k Type: BitChute
Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the covid-19 vaccine
From the Off Guardian
Attached is an updated graph showing that the annual peak in deaths is well over and rapidly heading down. It has to be stressed once again that the government has gone out of it's way to distort the statistics and lie with them by using a moving 14 day total which is a sum of all deaths for the previous 14 days. This as pointed out and illustrated mathematically in the update box above delays the apparent peak by at least 7 days and since the way these figures are presented, people are led to believe they are daily death rates. But because it is a 14 day total then this means it gives a false impression that the daily death rate is at least 7 to 14 times higher than it really is.
Simone Gold? FFS have you no shame.
Figures reported by the CDC to Jan 29th are showing 501 deaths caused by the Vaccine. There are over 11,000 reported adverse events which are defined as a reaction so severe that you are either temporarily or permanently incapacitated.
It is estimated that only 10% of reactions including deaths get reported. Many of the deaths will have been of elderly people whose immune systems would already have been severely comprised due to age and it is highly unlikely that not only would their deaths be suspected as being due to the vaccine but also unlikely that anyone would go to through the red tape to report it.
I wonder is it paranoid to point out the inconvenient truth ?
CDC database recording 501 deaths due to the Covid Vaccine. Not shown are 11,000+ serious adverse debilitating reactions. Deaths and reactions very likely underreported
A GP in Kildare, who described the pandemic as ‘a hoax’, has told the Irish Daily Mail four other GPs from around the country have been in touch to congratulate him.
And the 71-year-old now says the Medical Council is trying to ‘strike him off’ over his stance.
When asked how he would react to local people who want the jab, Dr Gerard Waters said: ‘If anyone is stupid enough to get the vaccine, they’re entitled to get it.’ He said he will not stand in the their way but they can go to another GP.
The GP, who has been a doctor for more than 40 years, said he will not step down silently from his practice and will take the Medical Council to court if he has to. Since his statement was read out on Liveline, Dr Waters said four other GPs from around the country have been in touch to ‘congratulate’ him.
Another GP, Dr Pat Morrissey, in Limerick, said he too has reservations about the vaccine and as a result said: ‘I’m a pariah among my colleagues.’ guy explains how the WHO co-ordinated the fraud of the PCR testing. Basically the WHO instructs the authorities in each country to change the test cycles which controls the false positives. In some cases when the PCR cycles were set high it is reckoned the false positive rate was 85%. This is how they got the high numbers. Then the vaccine is used and they manipulate the tests so that the numbers fall.
He mentions that strangely there is a remarkable reduction in the number of reported cases of deaths due to cancer and heart disease in the US. I bet it is the same here. It is a great way of boosting the number of covid death numbers
Dr. Scott Jensen Exposes Corruption with CDC and WHO on COVID Stats
While you are at it you might be interested in this:
Army Wife Reports Husband's Decline in Health After Moderna COVID Shot