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Comments (11 of 11)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11I am kinda sick hearing resistance retro speak, I thought this was genuine news, if the editorial guidelines were followed then half of these posting would be disallowed.
I am all for talk on issues but when the newswire seems to be rory h + posse then that's not an open forum.
Isn't Mugabe just a total psycho!
OK you two - you want to join the editorial team and censor the trots? - or do you just want to sit back and let others do it (or not), and then whinge about it.
Hey...this is a new enough site and there aren't that many people posting original content yet.
So the newswire can be filled with press releases, reposted articles and comment.
But (a) that's only temporary, already we're seeing some good original writing and production; (b) Indymedia uses an open editorial process, so join the lists and get involved.
The strength of the multiple IMCs lies (in my opinion) not in being the event guide or in-house journal for the anti-capitalist/pro-democracy/anti-globalisation movement, but in providing a non-commercial space for autonomous and independent journalists, commentators and artists to present a message that's free from editorial bias and commercial interruptions.
I believe that a true "event guide" function is in progress, which should take away the multiple "news items" about upcoming events. Also, I would recommend that users don't fill in an organisation unless they're speaking on behalf of that group - that's what led to the slightly angry exchange on the Che news article (which wasn't actually a news report in the first place, just an ad, but that's not the point).
So rather than copy and paste from the Irish Times or even from the Zimbabwean Socialist Worker - get out there and create some content.
All are welcome, Socialist Workers, SW-hating anarchists, and even stubborn Labour members like myself. The more the merrier, as far as I'm concerned.
Though a member of the above named organizations I totall "third" what you are saying. Perhaps whose running this site should make more direct contact with groups to let them know about the site and encourage them to use it more.
Hate to use capitalist terminology but it does work......."advertise and market" dear brothers and sisters........
A good site I came across recently is
I know, weird http address, but it gives a big list of development organizations based in Ireland. About 120 or so. All should be mailed. Ideally rung as well, or at least those that don't reply should be rung.
The "Source" book is also an excellent directory of humanitarian/left wing groups. Can be got from Substainable Ireland in Rathmines. They might have it on the web by now. I have a copy of last years one and also another directory, cant rem. who published it.
When I get time I will get the whole che-bang on-line.
If I can find these 2 books I can always lend them to ye.
So as you said, "concerndz", "come on, anarchists, rts,ers, libertarians, awkwards squadders, greens...get posting"!! Though different org's, and slightly different ideologies, we're ALL in this together.
Lets use this capitalist invention to bring it down and bring PEACE, JUSTICE, HARMONY AND EQUALITY back to this beautiful world of ours that has been and is being f**ked up. To bring an end to the death and misery of billions.
1) Socialists have as much right to use the IMC as anybody else - Anarchist, Green, whatever.
On the UK IMC whenever some unfortunate SWPer posts anything there is likely to be followed by a couple of an anonymous comments, full of abuse (I've even seen blatantly misogynist statements like "SWP girls look like they wash in chip pans" and so on). Now I am not a fan of the SWP, and the British version has all of the flaws of the Irish one many times magnified, but I wouldn't want to see that kind of thing happening here.
2) A larger proportion of the users of this IMC are likely to be Socialists than is the case with many other IMCs. Some IMCs are dominated by a mixture of Anarchists, anarchoids and single issue and charity activists. In Ireland those parts of the left are numerically weaker than in many other places. Organised anarchism here probably doesn't amount to three dozen people (although, curiously, the main Irish anarchist outfit has a much better activist record than most far larger groups abroad). Add the Socialist groups, Socialist Party, Workers Party, SWP, IRSP and so on and you have many hundreds of activists (and in the case of the Socialist Party many more supporters).
3) Daithi suggests that people only list their affiliations if they are speaking on behalf of an organisation. I would disagree. Personally I prefer to know who I am reading and I think that others are better off to know where I am coming from when reading anything I write.
fxxxk these moaners - can't even write - RTsers greens and freaks have been involved in imc since day 1.
"Organised anarchism here probably doesn't amount to three dozen people"
Thank god for that - organised anarchism?? Jesus!
I agree with Brian's comments on this. Also very good comments from Daithi and Michael O'Connell. After all we've more in common than seperates us. We're all opposed to the current capitalist system and we all want to change it. Our methods, tactics and specific policies may differ but we've more in common than we might think. As an example of co-operation amongst different factions on the Left its great to see that the AFI -Anarchist Federation Ireland are supporting next Saturday's Anti-Racist Demo in Dublin and they put an aricle on the Newswire that I've copied below.
Anti-Racist demo
by AFI -Anarchist Federation Ireland Sat, Mar 16 2002, 5:38pm
[email protected]
The AFI -Anarchist Federation Ireland calls all anarchists to show their support for the anti-racist demo this Saturday, March 23rd at Central Bank Plaza. (full story)
Guess what, the telemarketing department in Indymedia has decided to lose their chains and take up snorkelling.
If there are people who should know about Indymedia, then by the power vested in Celtic Cowboy by the Open Publishing contract, he says to you - make the calls.
Say they should use Indymedia.
Say they can link to their content, announce events and propose features.
We'll start a discussion about our links pages if someone wants to.
(PS - its good manners to post what you're doing on the list - not for approval, information: you have to think it's a good thing).
Like I said above SHUT UP YOU PACK OF PILLOCKS. Thats not news its just idiocy. who ever has somthing decent to say post it. This site is not central europe in the world wars, we are not battling for territory. If you are all gonna continue with this crap then do it somewhere else.
Good point from Brian - it does help to know where you're coming from. The problem is, however, that it can cause a little confusion - for example, when Joe Carolan posted a long message with the title "Cuba- what revolutionary socialists say" and entered it as Joe Carolan, Globalise Resistance - it led the reader to some assumptions;
GR have a policy on Cuba
GR are revolutionary socialists (the article, which may have been taken from another source, used "we" all the way through)
Which, I'm sure, would be news to some GR activists/members. And the article was quite good, and almost persuasive, but seemed to be closer to SWP policy.