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offsite link What do you make of the Russia and China Partnership? Tue Feb 28, 2023 16:26 | The Saker
by Mr. Allen for the Saker blog Over the last few years, we hear leaders from both Russia and China pronouncing that they have formed a relationship where there are

offsite link Moveable Feast Cafe 2023/02/27 ? Open Thread Mon Feb 27, 2023 19:00 | cafe-uploader
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offsite link The stage is set for Hybrid World War III Mon Feb 27, 2023 15:50 | The Saker
Pepe Escobar for the Saker blog A powerful feeling rhythms your skin and drums up your soul as you?re immersed in a long walk under persistent snow flurries, pinpointed by

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offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

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offsite link Migrants Will be Put Up in Hotels for Years to Come, Treasury Admits Mon Mar 24, 2025 19:00 | Will Jones
Migrants will be housed in hotels for years to come at a cost of ?5.5m a day, the Treasury has admitted, as figures show there are 8,000 more asylum seekers in hotels than when Starmer pledged to "end asylum hotels".
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offsite link Legalising Assisted Dying: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Mon Mar 24, 2025 17:00 | Dr Rachel Nicoll
Dr Rachel Nicoll was a supporter of assisted suicide but Kim Leadbetter's awful bill has convinced her to reconsider. Here are the reasons she thinks letting doctors help kill their patients would be dangerous.
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offsite link ?5 Pints to Be the Norm After Reeves Tax Raid Mon Mar 24, 2025 15:00 | Will Jones
A pile of cost increases heaped on the pub industry next month by Rachel Reeves and the Labour Government will push the average price of a pint of beer above ?5 for the first time, bosses have warned.
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offsite link The Crash of London?s Latest LTN Mon Mar 24, 2025 13:00 | Mike Wells
A Labour-run council has been forced to scrap London's latest LTN following a huge swell of local opposition pointing out the anti-car scheme's obvious flaws. No proper consultation as usual, says Mike Wells.
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offsite link ?Hilariously Abysmal? Extent of Snow White?s Flop Revealed as Woke Disney Reboot Sells Zero Tickets ... Mon Mar 24, 2025 11:25 | Will Jones
The "hilariously abysmal" extent of Snow White's flop has been revealed by screenshots showing that the woke Disney reboot sold zero tickets during a prime weekend slot in the US.
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Department Social Protection vioaltion of Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data 1981

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | press release author Thursday September 28, 2017 10:47author by Mack MThomais Report this post to the editors

Publication of welfare defaulters names address dehuanizing act and contrary to European law

ONLY THE NAMES of individuals convicted of fraud in excess of €5,000 will be published under the new Social Welfare, Pensions and Civil Registration Bill 2017.
The names will be published on a quarterly basis on the Department of Social Protection’s website. The list of names will be removed after three months.
The actions of current government are contrary to European law.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar (then Social Protection Minister) first announced the publication of the new Social Welfare Bill in May, as part of his well-known ‘Welfare Cheats Cheat Us All’ campaign.
No mention of the extent of the fraud had been included.

The Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data is a 1981 Council of Europe treaty that protects the right to privacy of individuals, taking account of the increasing flow across frontiers of personal data undergoing automatic processing.

All members of the Council of Europe have ratified the treaty. Mauritius, Senegal and Uruguay, non–Council of Europe states, have acceded to the treaty.

The treaty is quite specific This Convention is the first binding international instrument which protects the individual against abuses which may accompany the collection and processing of personal data and which seeks to regulate at the same time the transfrontier flow of personal data.

In addition to providing guarantees in relation to the collection and processing of personal data, it outlaws the processing of "sensitive" data on a person's race, politics, health, religion, sexual life, criminal record, etc., in the absence of proper legal safeguards. The Convention also enshrines the individual's right to know that information is stored on him or her and, if necessary, to have it corrected.

Restriction on the rights laid down in the Convention are only possible when overriding interests (e.g. State security, defence, etc.) are at stake.

The Convention also imposes some restrictions on transborder flows of personal data to States where legal regulation does not provide equivalent protection.

The convention was put in place for nine reasons and to prevent the following,It is rather lengthy so apologies to readers however it outlines why treaties are put in place and the importance of European Conventions. The failing of corrupting of these institutions result in the material below.


All languages and cultures require classification - division of the natural and social world into
categories. We distinguish and classify objects and people. All cultures have categories to
distinguish between “us” and “them,” between members of our group and others. We treat
different categories of people differently. Racial and ethnic classifications may be defined by
absurdly detailed laws -- the Nazi Nuremberg laws, the "one drop" laws of segregation in
America, or apartheid racial classification laws in South Africa. Racist societies often prohibit
mixed categories and outlaw miscegenation. Bipolar societies are the most likely to have
genocide. In Rwanda and Burundi, children are the ethnicity of their father, either Tutsi or Hutu.
No one is mixed. Mixed marriages do not result in mixed children.


We use symbols to name and signify our classifications. We name some people Hutu and others
Tutsi, or Jewish or Gypsy, or Christian or Muslim. Sometimes physical characteristics - skin
color or nose shape - become symbols for classifications. Other symbols, like customary dress or
facial scars, are socially imposed by groups on their own members. After the process has reached
later stages (dehumanization, organization, and polarization) genocidal governments in the
preparation stage often require members of a targeted group to wear an identifying symbol or
distinctive clothing -- e.g. the yellow star. The Khmer Rouge forced people from the Eastern
Zone to wear a blue-checked scarf, marking them for forced relocation and elimination.


Classification and symbolization are fundamental operations in all cultures. They become steps
of genocide only when combined with dehumanization. Denial of the humanity of others is the
step that permits killing with impunity. The universal human abhorrence of murder of members
of one's own group is overcome by treating the victims as less than human. In incitements to
genocide the target groups are called disgusting animal names - Nazi propaganda called Jews
"rats" or "vermin"; Rwandan Hutu hate radio referred to Tutsis as "cockroaches." The targeted
group is often likened to a “disease”, “microbes”, “infections” or a “cancer” in the body politic.
Bodies of genocide victims are often mutilated to express this denial of humanity. Such atrocities
then become the justification for revenge killings, because they are evidence that the killers must
be monsters, not human beings themselves.


Genocide is always collective because it derives its impetus from group identification. It is
always organized, often by states but also by militias and hate groups. Planning need not be
elaborate: Hindu mobs may hunt down Sikhs or Muslims, led by local leaders. Methods of
killing need not be complex: Tutsis in Rwanda died from machetes; Muslim Chams in
Cambodia from hoe-blades to the back of the neck ("Bullets must not be wasted," was the rule at
Cambodian extermination prisons, expressing the dehumanization of the victims.) The social
organization of genocide varies by culture. It reached its most mechanized, bureaucratic form in
the Nazi death camps. But it is always organized, whether by the Nazi SS or the Rwandan
Interahamwe. Death squads may be trained for mass murder, as in Rwanda, and then force
everyone to participate, spreading hysteria and overcoming individual resistance. Terrorist
groups will pose one of the greatest threats of genocidal mass murder in the future as they gain
access to chemical, biological, and even nuclear weapons.


Genocide proceeds in a downward cycle of killings until, like a whirlpool, it reaches the vortex
of mass murder. Killings by one group may provoke revenge killings by the other. Such
massacres are aimed at polarization, the systematic elimination of moderates who would slow the
cycle. The first to be killed in a genocide are moderates from the killing group who oppose the
extremists: the Hutu Supreme Court Chief Justice and Prime Minister in Rwanda, the Tutsi
Archbishop in Burundi. Extremists target moderate leaders and their families. The center cannot
hold. The most extreme take over, polarizing the conflict until negotiated settlement is impossible


Preparation for genocide includes identification. Lists of victims are drawn up. Houses are
marked. Maps are made. Individuals are forced to carry ID cards identifying their ethnic or
religious group. Identification greatly speeds the slaughter. In Germany, the identification of
Jews, defined by law, was performed by a methodical bureaucracy. In Rwanda, identity cards
showed each person's ethnicity. In the genocide, Tutsis could then be easily pulled from cars at
roadblocks and murdered. Throwing away the cards did not help, because anyone who could not
prove he was Hutu, was presumed to be Tutsi. Hutu militiamen conducted crude mouth exams to
test claims of Hutu identity.
Preparation also includes expropriation of the property of the victims. It may include
concentration: herding of the victims into ghettos, stadiums, or churches. In its most extreme
form, it even includes construction of extermination camps, as in Nazi-ruled Europe, or
conversion of existing buildings – temples and schools – into extermination centers in
Cambodia. Transportation of the victims to these killing centers is then organized and


The seventh step, the final solution, is extermination. It is considered extermination, rather than
murder, because the victims are not considered human. They are vermin, rats or cockroaches.
Killing is described by euphemisms of purification: “ethnic cleansing” in Bosnia, “ratonade” (rat
extermination) in Algeria. Targeted members of alien groups are killed, often including children.
Because they are not considered persons, their bodies are mutilated, buried in mass graves or
burnt like garbage


Every genocide is followed by denial. The mass graves are dug up and hidden. The historical
records are burned, or closed to historians. Even during the genocide, those committing the
crimes dismiss reports as propaganda. Afterwards such deniers are called “revisionists.” Others
deny through more subtle means: by characterizing the reports as “unconfirmed” or “alleged”
because they do not come from officially approved sources; by minimizing the number killed; by
quarreling about whether the killing fits the legal definition of genocide (“definitionalism”); by
claiming that the deaths of the perpetrating group exceeded that of the victim group, or that the
deaths were the result of civil war, not genocide. In fact, civil war and genocide are not mutually
exclusive. Most genocides occur during war

The current government have developed a symbolization by creating a propoganda of dehumaizing proportions in terms like "welfare cheats" which creates a subhuman mindset. The Counseil National Resistance CNR in France was formed during WW2 in the face of nazi occupation . They were called upon to hold German advance to allow the D-Day landings to be performed successfully. Knowing that they would incur huge personell loss s they agreed to this valiant action on condition that the people would be granted

Afford able Education and Free where nesseccary
Independent Trade Unions
No sale of national resources
Free healthcare
Social Welfare system

As the CNR were resistance fighters their unity was in the CNR itself as fragmentation was their most fatal adversary in their struggle against the gestapo in Paris and France. If the above mentioned concessions could not be delivered then they would probably have been able to negotiate such basics with the German advance,..but the didnt. The government would do well also to remember they are entrusted with the delivery of these concessiions to the survivors families and their descendants and are not their patrons or providers.They have broken almost all the concessions agreed to regarding the sale of our natural,national resources ,independent trade unions and heathcare.

The current government although nuetral in WW2 would do well to remember that the tricolour of Ireland is French in origin as is our republic ,and though they played little or no p[art bin the defence of that republic during WW2 and no disrepect to those whom did,they should tread very cautiously on their current path as there is only so much that will be tolerated especially when our rights are bee blatantly over shadowed by a failed evolutionary proposal and the hysteria of technological fascination that is currently on display in the Dail but unfortunately nothing else.

The publication of names proposed by this government is quite illegal and shows intent. Denial is expected of course, a sure indicator that they will try to usurp the authority of the people again. The matter of fraud is for the courts of law in Ireland and the first principal of that law states

"Nothing created by man can be above man" Dail Eireann is created by man therefore cannot be above man or his fundamental human rights.

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