News Digest of the People's Movement
People's News produced by the People's Movement is published every 2 weeks. The latest issue, No 139 is now available.
Table of Contents
Commission pressures Portugal to lower its 2016 budget deficit and growth forecasts
Even after years of TTIP talks, a new study is still unable to point to any major benefits
Court of Justic of the European Union - hungry for power or for justice
German press reaction to British draft deal: "Cameron is putting into action what other EU states want!"
Empire Loyalists
EU privacy based on a handshake!
Why bother with the unions?
Building the TISA gallows
Neutrality me arse!
EU's common fisheries policy cannot be reformed
Brexit and the "peace process"
The current edition of People's News, dated 7 February 2016, is available for download here (1.31 MB) or see attached to this article.
Back issues of earlier People's News available at:
About People's Movement
The People's Movement campaigns against any measures that further develop the EU into a federal super-state and works to defend and enhance popular sovereignty, democracy and social justice in Ireland.
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