Every year hundreds of people attend the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair for a day of inspiring discussions and the opportunity of meeting lots of other radicals, browsing books and meeting campaigns. The 11th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair will take place Saturday 16th of April around Smithfield square, there will also be a major event on the Friday night in the Teachers Club, Parnell Square.
On the Saturday the book & campaign stalls will be in The Generator on the east side of Smithfield square, doors open at 10.00 for setup, 10.30 for early browsing. The meetings will also be in two pubs, the Cobblestone at the top (north) of the square and Ryans which is just off the South West corner.
Our meetings and panels over the weekend:
Eyewitnesses accounts of the Rojava Revolution with Janet Biehl - Friday night at the Teacher Club, Parnell Sq
Environmental crisis, environmental struggles (with Janel Biehl) - 11.00 Generator
Rebuilding Trade Unions from below - 11.00 Cobblestone
Challenging the Special Criminal Court - 11.00 Ryans
Remembering 1916 Together: Anarchist Perspectives - 12.30 Generator
Struggles against racism - Traveller, migrant, and direct provision perspectives - 12.30 Cobblestone
Errico Malatesta in 10 words with author Davide Turcato - 12.30 Ryans
Feminist struggle - 14.00 Generator
Debating Basic income - 14.00 Cobblestone
Bodily Autonomy at the Intersections - 15.30 Cobblestone
After party - The Cobblestone
There will also be sessions on 1916, Trade Unions, Environmental struggles, Basic Income, Feminism, Special Courts. Details will be announced here as they are finalised.
Stalls at last years bookfair included AK press, Irish Labour History Society, Atheist Ireland, Seomra Spraoi, Rebel County Books, Anti Fascist Action, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, PM Press, Abortion Rights Campaign, Stoneybatter & Smithfield peoples history project, Rabble, Alliance for Animal Rights, Look Left magazine, National Animal Rights Association, Basic Income Ireland, International Bolshevik Tendency, Sex Workers Alliance Ireland, Anti-Internment Ireland, An Spreach, Glasgow Anarchist Collective, Workers Solidarity Movement
There is no admission charge DABF but donatiions are always welcome
More details will be posted over the next couple of weeks, this preliminary announcement is so that you can 'hold the date'. Be sure to join the DABF 2016 Facebook event and help with our promotion by inviting your friends and tweeting with #DABF
Please email all queries to [email protected]
Below old hands will find an appeal for help with costs and for new people details of previous bookfairs to give you an idea of what to expect.
Dublin Anarchist Book Fair (DABF) 2016 Facebook event
Make a donation towards the bookfair costs
The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair is costing about 4,000 euro to put on this year. The costs include flights for speakers, hiring the venues & tables and printing programs & posters. All of the organisers are unpaid volunteers contributing hundreds of hours of labour between them. Their work and your donations mean that there is no entry charge for any of the events except the Afters Party.
Any donation you can make towards the costs is welcome.
See link below for details on making a donation