Local People Wanted: For Adventure Series
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press release
Sunday February 08, 2015 15:21
by S Ó Cearrúlláin - E.M. Productions

Five months paid training and the adventure of a lifetime retracing WWII’s greatest Survival Story…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE… Contact: Seán Ó Cearrúlláin 086 155 59 37
email: [email protected]
Drogheda, 09-02-15: E.M. Productions® in association with the Improving Horizons Foundation is recruiting for an Adventure Series that will change the lives of twenty ordinary locals through a project that will retrace World War Two’s Greatest Survival Story from 1943.
Long Months of Hard Training – Small Wages – Constant Danger – Honour and Recognition in Case of Success…
In March 1943 the longest and most incredible escape and survival of the second world war took place across the plains of Arctic Norway, Finland and Sweden; covering 245km of the most inaccessible and treacherous landscape known to man. Despite this, one man escaped death on numerous occasions and became known as the man with nine lives. A Non-profit initiative has been set up in Drogheda by local man Seán Ó Cearrúlláin to retrace this incredible true story he has researched over the last four years, and to do it as authentically as possible; “The story was one I read as a child and rediscovered in a bookshop about six years ago. It compelled me to research it more and at a time in my life when a major transition was occurring for me. It became an inspiration and daily motivation for me, which has resulted in creating an adventure series spread over five months that will change the lives of ordinary people willing to go the distance”, says Ó Cearrúlláin.
The project aims to be funded through events run by E.M. Productions® and grants sought from film boards in Ireland, Scotland and Norway where much of the action will take place. “It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, to train and earn a living while travelling Ireland, Scotland and Norway where the entire production is set from October 2015 through April 2016. Five months serious preparations to be on a team that will retrace this incredible true story, and get paid to do it… what could be better? I’ve been working for years in the background to get this far and now it’s time to take it to the next level. To that end, people can apply for a position on the series, and a presentation will be given with full details of what is involved at Millmount Conference Centre on February 28th. Everyone will be going forward with eyes wide open, and it’s going to be so much fun, even if hard work!” continues Ó Cearrúlláin.
Training will be provided by a mixture of Civilian and Military Instructors covering everything from Rock Climbing, to Mountaineering, Survival, Navigation, Fitness and Skiing. There is no need for applicants to be extremely fit or experienced in any of afore mentioned activities, complete beginners are more than welcome to apply. Applicants must be between 18-40 years of age, in reasonable health and they can apply at http://e70n.empirl.com Full information and criteria will be explained at the presentation on February 28th, a confirmation e-mail of this presentation will be sent to all applicants and closing date to apply is February 27th at 1900hrs.
Founded in 2013, E.M. Productions® is a professional Events Production Company and provides Voluntary Aid and Financial Support to a newly established Non-Profit Organisation the “Improving Horizons Foundation”. Improving Horizons is a newly established non-profit movement set-up to provide support and rehab services for those suffering from PTSD and ASD conditions related to Mental Health via Nature based and Process Focused Programmes of recovery. More information can be found at http://ih.empirl.com
For additional information contact: Seán Ó Cearrúlláin 086 155 59 37 email: [email protected]
Caption: Video Id: 106421919 Type: Vimeo
The Inspiration for the Project