Independent Media Centre Ireland

Catholic priest BLESSES venue used for cruel hare coursing event

category international | animal rights | opinion/analysis author Wednesday October 08, 2014 16:54author by Against animal cruelty

I have to ask: does the Catholic Church have a death wish?

Hare coursing is a horribly cruel “sport” that is a crime in many jurisdictions. It’s bad enough that the Irish government allows it…but this week pictures circulating on social media (twitter and facebook) clearly show a Catholic Priest officially BLESSING a hare coursing venue.
protest against coursing cruelty
protest against coursing cruelty

The pictures were taken recently at the field used by Glin Coursing Club in Co. Limerick.

Here’s a link to a facebook page carrying one of the pictures :

This priest is in direct contravention of the official Catechism of the Catholic Church which clearly states that 'it is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer and die needlessly.”

The Catechism also says that “Animals are God's creatures. He surrounds them with his providential care. By their mere existence they bless him and give him glory. Thus men owe them kindness.”

Hare coursing involves hares being trapped, snatched from their natural habitats and then used as live bait in contests between competing pairs of greyhounds. Many hares get mauled or otherwise injured when struck or pinned down by the dogs. Some hares are fed live to greyhounds prior to coursing to whet their appetite for blood.

After the blessing ceremony at Glin hare coursing field, the animals were terrorized for amusement of gamblers and people who get their kicks from cruelty.

Here’s a video of hare coursing in Ireland:

What does the Pope think of hare coursing? Saint Francis was against all such forms of animal cruelty so I reckon Pope Francis would hardly approve of it.


Related Link:

captive hare prior to coursing
captive hare prior to coursing

hare mauled by dogs at coursing event
hare mauled by dogs at coursing event

Comments (3 of 3)

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author by Ant hare coursingpublication date Wed Oct 15, 2014 08:14author address author phone

whatever one's religious views or affiliations, for a cleric to actually BLESS something like hare coursing is sickening and shameful. Ed: The two pictures of the priest blessing the course event had to be hidden as the owner of the pictures has notified Indymedia that they were posted up without her permission

Related Link:
author by will . n.publication date Wed Oct 15, 2014 09:00author address author phone

This is a disgrace , firstly that hare coursing still takes place and secondly .that a "man of god " blesses such cruelty ! Surely anyone needs to ask the question , what type of person can get "enjoyment" out of terrorisng and killing of innocent animals ? in my opion it is evil sick minded people ! why should these people be allowed to continue with such cruelty ? Ban Hare coursing completely and charge those who partake with cruelty , including this "priest"

author by Cheryl Gehrkepublication date Thu Oct 16, 2014 08:05author address author phone

I am from the US and live in Arizona, and am appalled at hare coursing. I have never heard of such an evil cruel thing to happen to Gods creatures. He loves them and told us to be stewards over the care of all the animals, not to set one species against another. God said that "Whoever wasteth flesh and has no need will be held accountable to God." THe priest needs to repent of his grievous sin and turn against hare coursing and the people who do this wicked thing should be thinking of their eternal souls which are in danger of the judgement day. Stop this wicked practice right now. Right now hare coursing is cursed, no matter what the priest said. God does not bless wickedness to His creatures.

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