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Appeal from Short Strand Resident![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please go to and SIGN THE PETITION TODAY. IF OUR SKIN WAS BLACK THE TRUTH WOULD BE TOLD As a community worker in the Short Strand area and a resident of Clandeboye Drive I feel I must write to inform your readers of the ongoing loyalist attacks on homes in my area and the constant refusal of the PSNI to deal with the perpetrators who are being allowed access into Cluan Place to wage these attacks. I have lived in Clandeboye Drive for 22 years, as have most of my neighbours. We all moved here together in October 1981. In that time we have never had a problem with our neighbours over the wall in Cluan Place. In the early hours of June 1 loyalist paramilitaries decided to create an interface between Clandeboye and Cluan Place by waging a vicious attack on homes in Clandeboye Gardens and Drive. This attack lasted three days while the PSNI stood by and did nothing to stop it. Since then we have been under constant attack, day and night. Our homes have been pelted with bricks, bottles, ball bearings, marbles, golf balls, snooker balls, fireworks, paint bombs, petrol bombs, pipe bombs and blast bombs. Most of the windows and doors in Clandeboye Drive and Gardens are boarded up. Our children cannot play in their own gardens or in the street and residents are totally worn We have had little or no sleep over the past Over the past three months we, the residents, have constantly approached the PSNI to stop these attacks. Their response to our pleas have been: We are told that there is a 24-hour police presence in Cluan Place and that only three of the 25 houses in this small cul-de-sac are occupied. Yet police have continuously allowed crowds of loyalists into Cluan Place and Paulett Avenue to wage these attacks. While we, the residents of Clandeboye are attempting to survive this nightmare, police make the situation worse by issuing misleading statements and downright lies to the press. These actions have lead us to the conclusion that the PSNI are not only unwilling to stop these attacks but they are facilitating those responsible to wage them. We would like answers to the following questions; ·How are loyalists in Cluan Place able to make explosive devices, and hurl them at houses in Clandeboye, on a daily basis in full view of the police? ·Why did police allow 40 Apprentice Boys into ·How were hundreds of loyalists able to wage an attack on our community for five hours on Thursday 15 August, hurling tens of petrol bombs, pipe bombs, fireworks and various missiles, from Cluan Place and Paulett Avenue, without police intervention? ·Why did police riot squads attack Clandeboye residents on Saturday 10 August, Thursday 15 August, and Saturday 17 August when there Why have unionist politicians refused to condemn these attacks and the ongoing siege of the entire Short Strand community? We are being accused of ethnic cleansing by unionists yet it is our community which has been refused access to all essential services in East Belfast. Protestants live, work and travel through this area without fear or hindrance but Short Strand people cannot even visit the doctor’s surgery in safety. Shopkeepers in East Belfast have been told not to serve Catholic customers. Our post office is closed down because loyalists threatened the owner they would burn him and his shop if he served “Short Strand taigs”. He closed the shop because he refused to serve just one section of the community and his whole life has been disrupted too. If people in my community were doing similar things to Protestants I would be on the streets actively condemning their actions, as would the majority of people in Short Strand. However we’re just Short Strand taigs so it doesn’t really matter what we suffer. The police, media and unionist politicians are attempting to kill this community by refusing to tell the truth. I would ask anyone who cares to come in here and see for themselves what is really happening and please try to put an end to this nightmare before it’s too late and coffins come out of Clandeboye estate. Deborah Devenny
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Jump To Comment: 1 2I deeply empathise with your circumstances.
I hope it clears up at least locally sooner rather than later.
Please don't be mistaken into thinking that "if you were Black" it would be better/over sooner/never happen. Come to America and see it second hand - or go to Zimbabwe and see it first hand for those who are defined (by themselves/others) as "black"
If you were American / Jewish / Israeli/ German Scandinavian /Japanese -- now that'd be a whole different story...
Same racism - except just the upside - just as revolting though......
The purposed propagated concept of "religions" "ethnicities" or "races" or whatever divisions -- still sickens me -- we're all just people in the end -- of one shape / colour / set of ideas or another - humans - Don't buy into anything else !
- division beyond that is nonsense used by some of us against others -- for example - majority still getting screwed over by the rich ( who are as diverse as us). These divisions have survived through the ages so far for a reason - some-one benefits ( big time) - at someone else's expense.
Go beyond that.
We're all just people. Truth starts at home.
Just my 2 cents -- doesn't help you much maybe --
start a "citizens and neighbours against disruption movement " -- good luck ... eventually that's where it has to go -- but may take a very very long time ...
Or else get a gun and deal with covering your own corner of heaven from further invasion.
Good luck.
Just wrote a posting for this and then lost it, but will try again.
Basically the posting above shows how the loyalists are getting away with stirring up shit and how they are prepared to opt for chaos rather than have to deal with the reality of the situation - they will have to work with Nationalists and Catholics because they don't have the necessary power to ignore them anymore.
I know I have written some 'both sides are to blame' postings before but I have woken up. Nationalists have had scraps as well but they are having to contend with rabid assaults by loyalists and an extremely dubious police attitude to their security. The police, imperfect (generous I know) as they already are, are starting to get worn out and there will more chance of someone getting killed as they lose further control of the situation. Is it going to have to be like past times when only some god awful tradegy will cool the situation down. And if so, how long before it stirs up again?
I think the Irish government needs to speak up, 'cos Blair does not give a shit about it at the moment (world terrorism is a higher profile). The skin colour issue is notable - if Neil Lennon had been black Northern Ireland would have been banned from competitions. As it is, things are going on as normal - the football team should have all stepped down. Likewise in Belfast, the situation is not getting the attention it deserves, this kind of reality is not shown in the mainstream British media. Even the biased 'tit for tat' reporting (a line I used to give credence to) is pettering out 'cos no one cares.
I will still be cynical of some postings on this site regarding NI, but the situation should be obvious to all. How's it going to end?