A skype-conference with Irish activist living in Peru Lynda Sullivan
When: Thursday 28th November, 6.30pm
Where: LASC, 5 Merrion Row, Dublin 2
In the month of November Cajamarca marks two years of organised resistance against the Conga Mining Project. During this time thousands have regularly climbed to the altitude of over 4000 feet in the Peruvian Andes to protect the lagoons that give the people water and life.
The two years of resistance have also seen the deaths of five protesters – including a 16 year old boy, the injury of hundreds, and the constant legal harassment of community leaders. We are now at a crucial stage and the resistance must remain strong, but it is threatened by misinformation, fear and political manipulation.
The government says Conga must be realized at all costs; the people say the realization of it will cost them their lives.