Independent Media Centre Ireland
Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

CABHAIR Christmas Day Swim , Dublin (2013).

category dublin | history and heritage | event notice author Monday October 28, 2013 19:25author by Sharon. - Individual.

37 years underwater....

The CABHAIR organisation will , for the 37th consecutive year, hold a sponsored swim in Dublin (Inchicore) on Christmas Day 2013.
The CABHAIR Swim in December 2010 - s'no joke!
The CABHAIR Swim in December 2010 - s'no joke!


On Christmas Day next (Wednesday 25th December 2013) at 12 noon , the CABHAIR organisation will , for the 37th successive year, hold a sponsored swim at the 3rd Lock of the Grand Canal , at Inchicore , Dublin (opposite Kelly's 'Blackhorse Inn' pub) .
All money raised at this event goes directly to the dependants of Irish Republican prisoners , as expenses are not claimed or taken by anyone involved.
A turf fire , Irish Rebel music , lemonade and mince pies for the kids and 'soup' for the adults will be provided , as usual , and Santa will more than likely pay the event a visit !

If you are in the area between 12 noon and 1pm, hungry , bored or hungover (or looking to acquire a hangover !) then give us a shout. And bring your togs.... !
A few words (and some pics) re the 2012 Swim can be viewed at the 'Related Link' below.


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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Oct 28, 2013 19:41author address author phone

Hi !

Apologies to those who , like me, consider it a sacrilege to even mention the word 'Christmas' in October , but this is for a good cause and it's year 37 in-a-row for this event and CABHAIR asked me if I would help them to advertise it as , they tell me , I'm a 'Wizzard' at things like that....

Full apology at the 'Related Link' , below.



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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Tue Oct 29, 2013 23:14author address author phone


So far (and it's early yet) five swimmers have been confirmed (subject, as usual, to a 'health check' immediately beforehand) and Santa has also confirmed that he will be there. And the 'lemonade' from Donegal will be available , as usual....


Divein' - Christmas Day , 12 Noon , Inchicore, Dublin.
Divein' - Christmas Day , 12 Noon , Inchicore, Dublin.

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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Nov 25, 2013 22:58author address author phone

One month and counting.....

The Inchicore swim is shaping-up nicely , I'm told , with two table loads of 'goodies' already collected and no shortage of lemonade for the kiddies , 'soup' for the adults and enough firewood to build a raft , which could be used to sail to Coney Island in New York or to Australia , where Cabhair swimmers will also be earning their keep. The less adventurous may prefer to travel to Wexford or Armagh , where Cabhair have , again, organised sponsored swims.
More info on the above events will be posted here in due course.


The Cabhair organisation have organised sponsored swims for Dublin, Wexford , Armagh , New York and Australia.
The Cabhair organisation have organised sponsored swims for Dublin, Wexford , Armagh , New York and Australia.

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author by louisepublication date Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:17author address author phone

I know its not cabhair that are doing this but I'm just hoping u can help?
2 men from Clondalkin have put together a fund raising swim for to be held on the 9th lock in clondalkin for christmas day on behalf of the 1916 socities group and when myself and others heard about it we contacted both of them and told them that a lot of people in the area are not happy that any money raising gig should be held there, at the 9th lock , because 2 local lads, keith mahon and Jason ryan, friends of ours, drowned there in 1997 and we told them men that its not right to hold their money raiser swim at that same spot but they more or less jusy told us to fuck off with ourselves.
we're not ira supporters or sinn fein supporters either but we said we'd just ask u if u can help us to stop this from been held?
Theres a remembrance plaque on the railings at the 9th lock for keith and Jason and the 2 men said they seen it but they dont care.
it'd be great if u could help because this looks very bad for republicans.
thanks Sharon,
Louise, clondalkin.

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Fri Dec 06, 2013 23:37author address author phone

Hi Louise!

As you said , Louise , the event to be held at the 9th Lock in Clondalkin is not a Cabhair event (although Cabhair did hold their swim there for a few years but out of respect they stopped using that venue and will not be returning to it at any time in the future) but I will ensure that the group that are intending to hold a fund-raiser there on the 25th of this month are made aware of this thread and your concerns. Hopefully, we can find a third and/or fourth individual within their ranks who will be decent enough to understand what is at issue here.
I'm sorry I can't do more for you and your friends , Louise - I most certainly would , if I could , but I will do all I can. Not all republicans are like the two men you had the misfortune to meet.
If I make any progress , I'll post a comment re same here.
Thanks for taking the time to write,

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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Dec 08, 2013 20:29author address author phone


Cabhair have also organised a sponsored swim at Banna Strand , Kerry , for New Years Day - details re same will be posted here as soon as possible.

(Louise - the '9th lock group' that you referenced , above, have now apparently decided to hold their gig on New Years Day instead of Christmas Day but they seem determined , for now, anyway, to hold it at the same location [9th lock, Clondalkin] but if they can so flippantly change their gig date this late in the endeavour then they may eventually decide, too, to change the location of same. If I get any more information , Louise, I'll post it here.)


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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Wed Dec 11, 2013 21:44author address author phone

Hi !

Cabhair has organised for its Armagh sponsored swim to be held on Sunday 22nd December next in Craigavon Lakes at 1pm - last years swim can be viewed at the 'Related Link' , below.


The December 2012 sponsored swim in Craigavon Lakes , organised by Cabhair.
The December 2012 sponsored swim in Craigavon Lakes , organised by Cabhair.

Related Link:
author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sat Dec 14, 2013 21:18author address author phone

Hi !

Sponsorship cards are filling in nicely, the usual (Dublin) donations from shops and pubs are in the process of being collected and stored and Santa has been booked for the Dublin swim!
Cabhair are , I'm told, hoping for snow as donations more than doubled for the December 2010 swim , but the swimmers are hoping for a heatwave. Once all goes well with the swimmers, I'll be happy no matter what the weather!


Armagh Swim.
Armagh Swim.

Wexford Swim (....and 11pm is correct, I'm told!).
Wexford Swim (....and 11pm is correct, I'm told!).

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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Dec 15, 2013 20:29author address author phone

Tá brón orm.

Gabh mo leithscéal : the original poster (above) states '11pm' and, when I queried it with my contact in Wexford before posting here I was told "as per the poster". But not so - the swim starts at the more normal time of 11am , as per the revamped poster , below.


Eleven (11) AM , not PM.
Eleven (11) AM , not PM.

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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Dec 23, 2013 21:16author address author phone


I'm told that the sponsored swim for Cabhair , which was held on Sunday 22nd December 2013 in Armagh, was a great success and no swans or reeds were damaged in the process! All those who entered the water in the lake emerged , frozen, on the other side and, apparently, one or two of them were heard voicing the opinion that it was only a "warm-up" for the Dublin swim on Christmas Day. If they dare show the colour of their togs in Inchicore on the 25th, we'll show 'em how it's done..... ;-) !

(Louise - the last I heard from this '9th lock group' was that they still intend to hold their gig at the 9th lock , on New Years Day, but if I hear differently , I'll post about it here.)


Cabhair Swim, held in Armagh on Sunday 22nd December 2013 : 3 pics in total.
Cabhair Swim, held in Armagh on Sunday 22nd December 2013 : 3 pics in total.



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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Thu Dec 26, 2013 20:08author address author phone


A crowd of about fifty people (plus four unwanted State 'guests') observed proceedings on Wednesday 25th December 2013 at the 3rd lock of the Grand Canal in Inchicore , Dublin, as six sponsored swimmers 'earned their keep' for the Cabhair organisation.
We had a very welcome break in the bad weather , although frost was visible on the grass and packs of ice floated in the water , there was no rain or gale-force winds and weak sunshine did attempt to shine on us!

Over 30 pics from the event can be seen at the 'Related Link' , below .


One of the six swimmers floated on the water.....
One of the six swimmers floated on the water.....

....and one attempted to walk on it!
....and one attempted to walk on it!

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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Fri Dec 27, 2013 22:22author address author phone


Even allowing for inter-county rivalry [ ;-)] (...and I still think us Dubs done it better!) it's definitely a case of 'hats off' (etc!) to the Cabhair sponsored swimmers in Wexford , 14 of whom took to the waters in Rosslare Strand on Christmas Day last - well done to each and every one of them!

We are the boys of Wexford,
Who fought with heart and hand
To burst in twain the galling chain
And free our native land.

And when we left our cabins, boys,
We left with right good will
To see our friends and neighbours
That were at Vinegar Hill!
A young man from our Irish ranks
A cannon he let go;
He slapt it into Lord Mountjoy -
A tyrant he laid low!


The Wexford Boys - 14 sponsored swimmers , for Cabhair, 25th December 2013.
The Wexford Boys - 14 sponsored swimmers , for Cabhair, 25th December 2013.

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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Dec 29, 2013 15:33author address author phone

Hi Louise!

It seems to be the case that the group in question who, up until recently, had advertised and were intending to hold , a fund raising swim on Christmas Day at the 9th lock in Clondalkin have not only changed the date of their gig (as mentioned above) but have now changed the location, as well.
They have let it be known that it was never their intention to hold the gig at the 9th lock - despite a poster issued by them, declaring the location as the 9th lock ! - and now state that their venture will take place on New Years Day in a different location.
They seem to be an extremely 'fluid' outfit , liable to chop and change overnight , and there is every reason to suspect that they might revert to their originally-stated location. Or , indeed, they could cancel their gig altogether, hard to tell with them.
We'll see what happens , Louise, and talk later.


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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Thu Jan 02, 2014 23:50author address author phone

Hi Louise!

That 'Society' grouping never held the sponsored swim they had advertised ; they stated their intention , at first, to hold it on Christmas Day at 12 Noon in the 9th lock , Clondalkin, Dublin, then changed the time to 1pm at that lock on that day, then changed it to New Years Day at a location other than the 9th lock , then - nothing!
Their gig never took place due , they said, to ' too much hassle from people' . I trust those that sponsored one of their 'swimmers' don't have any 'hassle' getting their money back?
Anyway , Louise, that seems to be the end of this particular matter , for now, anyway.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


New swim - sunk before it 'launched'.
New swim - sunk before it 'launched'.

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author by louisepublication date Fri Jan 03, 2014 15:01author address author phone

thanks for ur help sharon
you were right about there fundraising gig not going ahead because myself and friends were over at the canal on xmas day and there was no swim and the same thinh on new Years day
loads of people here were upset when they heard about there swim because its not right to do that where our two friends died and we feel better now that it did'nt happen
thanks again, Sharon, you're very good to help us like that

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Sun Jan 05, 2014 14:51author address author phone


Members and supporters of the New York Chapter of the National Irish Freedom Committee were amongst the swimmers that braved the icy waters at Coney Island on New Years Day last in a sponsored swim , the proceeds of which will be donated to the Cabhair organisation here in Dublin. As far as I know, each swimmer earned his/her 'keep' and none attempted to float over or walk on , the water!

(Hi Louise! Thanks for keeping in touch, both here and via text. I didn't really have to do very much re that 'society swim' as the two men involved apparently put more effort into trying to collect money than into actually organising any such event, which appears to be one of the reasons why it never took place. But we will keep in touch anyway, Louise , thanks.)

The Cabhair swimmers placed themselves in the middle of the crowd, seeking shelter.....
The Cabhair swimmers placed themselves in the middle of the crowd, seeking shelter.....

....but our camera person found them anyway!
....but our camera person found them anyway!

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