Starting on the 23rd of September at the Beginner and Continuation levels
When: Once a week from Monday the 23rd of September until Monday the 2nd of December
Level: Beginners
Time: Mondays 6.00 - 7.30 pm
Level: Continuation
Time: Mondays 7.45 - 9.15 pm
Where: 5, Merrion Row, Dublin 2
Cost: € 120 / € 110 for members of LASC
To book: [email protected]
Each class has a maximum of 12 students. The classes are taught in a lively and participative style. The 10 session course focuses on basic survival Spanish for beginners. Students will learn to manage simple tasks such as introductions, shopping and getting around and will learn to use the present tense.
Topics covered include:
- Personal Introductions
- The Alphabet
- Numbers: 1 - 100
- Regular verbs and the verb To be
- Weather expressions
- Telling time
- Days of the week
- In the restaurant: ordering meals, paying the bill
- Getting directions
Basic relevant grammar - verbs, nouns, adjectives
For people who already have a basic knowledge of Spanish, we offer this more advanced class. At this level we continue with more complex grammar rules, and expanding your vocabulary with a range of texts and conversations on a variety of topics. Classes are friendly and participative and focused on developing your verbal, written, reading and listening skills.
Topics covered include:
- Expressing preferences and feelings;
- talking about past events and past habits;
- discussing current events;
- describing physical and emotional states;
- discussing consumer goods and markets;
- expressing opinions;
- making comparisons