Play takes on themes of democracy, active citizenship, rights, culture and environment.
Written and performed by award winning Irish playwright Donal O'Kelly, directed by Sorcha Fox, and designed by Robert Ballagh, Ailliliú Fionnuala is centered around the construction of the Shell gas pipeline in Erris, North Mayo and takes in the themes of democracy, active citizenship, rights, culture and environment. Tickets: €10 (€8 Student concession) with soup and bread and includes a photo exhibition in the foyer by photojournalist William Hederman. In Theatre Upstairs @ Lanigans’ Bar, Eden Quay, Dublin. 1pm-1.50pm, Mon-Sat, 5th November – 17th November. (50 mins duration). Booking: Tel 085 7727375 or email [email protected]
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Ailliliú Fionnuala takes place on the shore of Sruwaddaconn Estuary in Erris, North Mayo, where the Shell high-pressure raw gas pipeline is under construction.
Ambrose Keogh works for Shell. When the Tunnel Boring Machine he named Fionnuala sinks into the bog, he comes face to face with Fionnuala of the Children of Lír herself in a fairy fort. Fionnuala puts a geas on him – he’s bound to tell the truth about Shell’s operations in Erris, such as the attack on Willie Corduff in the Shell site at Glengad.
Ambrose Keogh is joined in this ordeal by his primary school classmate, Malachy Downes, now an anti-pipeline campaigner. They are pushed to reveal truths about how the holders of power operate in Ireland, behind closed doors, with no regard for civil rights of citizens, then and now.
Ambrose Keogh was the silent underling in Donal O’Kelly’s international success Bat The Father Rabbit The Son, premiered by Rough Magic in 1988, later touring to acclaim in Edinburgh, New York and Australia. A generation later, Keogh’s found his voice, but what else has changed?
A writer and actor, this is Donal O’Kelly’s sixth solo play, following Rabbit, Bat The Father Rabbit The Son, Catalpa, Jimmy Joyced! and Running Beast. Other plays include The Cambria, Jimmy Gralton’s Dancehall, The Adventures Of The Wet Señor, Vive La, Operation Easter, The Hand, Judas Of The Gallarus, Asylum! Asylum! and The Dogs.
Donal is glad to perform this play about Rossport, too often seen as remote and therefore peripheral, in the most central theatre in Dublin – Theatre Upstairs on Eden Quay.
The foyer will accommodate a photographic exhibition of events connected with the Shell Corrib gas pipeline and an information stand.
Further Info: [email protected] or 087 6734773. Supported by the justice and human rights organisation Afri.
Location map