Independent Media Centre Ireland

Drugs and Morality

category cork | health / disability issues | opinion/analysis author Monday April 16, 2012 15:13author by S.C.

Our current social control social order is making drugs and morality illegal.
We were born in world controlled by our separation from the garden of Eden.
The herbs of the world were given to us for our responsibility and the beasts,
were given for for stewardship not the other way around as we were not beasts.

This was the master plan all along, to make the human being a beast and the herbs a responsibility for all to be aware off.
Suddenly it was OK to take the beasts from the field and introduce them to the human being. Also they had to get them out of the jungle.
Suddenly it was OK to reserve the right to own or even know about some plants that were on the planet before we were in our present form.
How much we knew about ourselves and our surroundings, we were suddenly gods, masters of all we surveyed and understood all things.
Except that there were problems of other peoples making and as such became our problems and it evidently became more obvious.

The Garden of Eden's loss was becoming more obvious as well as the masses started to feel more unwell. Until this time an illness was something that would pass,
To create a contary response to the norm the most far out solutions were entertained. Use the young to typify the response and have everyone partake in the feast.
But there was nothing contrite about the garden. It was a matter of respect, were you honored it it was multiplied and were it was abused it was hidden by the culprit.
The culprit was always hidden like the snake but to hide its lies it told a factious story to hide its errors and once it knew that this worked it did it again and again.

The young masses started to grasp for breath, it is so hard to catch up with you they complained. but the woman said nothing and passed the fruit of her knowledge on.
More and more people became despondent and had complaints. But those who knew were in control and started a call to arms to remedy the situation before it was too late.
We can still have a garden they exclaimed, but only a few heard them. They masses stared to shout and scream with an infinite amount of possibilities for their detriment.
Then they saw the herbs and there separation from its truths. Why are some thing truthful easy to follow and we always thing there is a price to pay for our evil deeds?
Why where we told that the herbs were evil and dangerous but it was for the elite to decide what went into the human who had now become beasts and were now complaining.

Its the law and everyone knows that, even those in the darkest reaches of Africa would know that it needs someone to come and educate them as to right and wrong and so on.
If we don't educate the needy will be left behind as primitives or like beasts with no knowledge of the greatness that we could all achieve if we joined together as a greater whole.
If we left anyone behind in suffering what type of people would we be and who would pick up the pieces. Who would care for their animals when they were gone and put them to use?
Suddenly a loud call out came, who goes there was the cry and the nations of the world started to cry at their problems and who can help us in or hour of need as we are needy people?

The snake turned a gave out a hiss, for he knew that he was going to be evicted and the good people would return. However he started to than talk. "If you don't listen to me we are doomed".
We are doing so well and why not finish the journey as all we do are good things, who would want to live in a tree Anyways when we can all have anything theta we want to make or take?
It is our responsibility to civilize and to make better through education and by telling the less well of what to do and what to believe in as our knowledge of everything is totally complete.
To not know how to do something is like having a disability and the will not to learn is like having a illness and we will eradicate them both through our truth just and good ways.
Because nature was given to us for our use as were the beast of the fields and the birds of the air. Everything is for us to be owned and to have a price so we can all partake.

If anyone says different they are bringing into question the very mechanism that will make the world a better place for all man and anyone who says this must be eradicated.
By words if not by deeds as that is our way as we have conquered all including dangerous savages and the wild unguided peoples of this world and we have led them.
For we are creating a new Garden of Eden right now and it will spread out throughout the cosmos as we start to inhabit new worlds and new planets.
We have done everything right and we have forgotten nothing even though we might seem to be thoughtless towards others.
And there feelings as even beasts have feelings as we are well aware and doing are best.

So that is why you shouldn't take offense as some thing have more meaning than feeling.

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