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destruction of anti globalisation movement by swp![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() deliberate destruction of anti globalisation movement by swp and labout youth As a former leftie I have become totally disillusioned by the careerism and opportunism and falseness of the labour party and the workers party, and the craziness, sectishness and bullshit dogma that exists in the swp and other micro groups that dis-orientate, diss-illusion and burn out many young, concerned and idealistic people in this country. The only hope for optimism that I have seen recently has been internationally the growth of the anti globalisation movement and nationally the defeat of the Nice referendum from below by the people. The anti globalisation movement has been incorrectly labelled the 'anti capitalist movement' by the swp, so that they can take it over in this country and ultimately destroy it and recruit and brainwash a few more idealistic people. This has been their agenda in Globalise Resistance where at the moment they are refusing to campaign against the Nice Treaty in case it upsets their labour party members of Globalise resistance. The swp with a little help from labour youth have almost succeeded in destroying the anti glabalisation movement in Ireland, largely because the rest of the left sat back and allowed them to, this is because many lefties are scared shitless of the anti globalisation movement either because of a lack of vision, its new and they dont understand it or know how to handle it, or because they realise that they are unable to control it. Of course the swp and labour are scared of its potential also but are a little more clever and seek to control,weaken and ultimately destroy it from within. |
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Comments (18 of 18)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18I'm very very far from an SWP fan but there are a lot of very good people in it and this almost hatred of the SWP is madness.
Everyone I know that is really involved in 'the anti-globalisation movement' prefers the name 'the anti-capitalist movement'. So saying that it is that the use of that term is some SWP ploy is a bit rich.
"Of course the swp and labour are scared of its potential also but are a little more clever and seek to control,weaken and ultimately destroy it [the anti-globalisation movement] from within."
Again saying that the Labour Party and the SWP want to destroy the 'anti-globalisation movement' is a bit, well, it's a bit silly really.
WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? (last comment mumbled under a flood of tears)
your naive sounding bleat 'WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG' doesnt fool anyone. You really mean everyone shut up and join the swp. You must think we really are 'a bit silly'
As for your comment: 'Again saying that the Labour Party and the SWP want to destroy the 'anti-globalisation movement' is a bit, well, it's a bit silly really'
So lets try some critical thinking for a change instead of naive appeals to work together and stop thinking. How big is their front organisation globalise resistance? why is is still so tiny? Is this an accident? How long before GR gets quietly dropped and they set up yet another front group, which they will also mess up.
The SWP are not trying to destroy the anti globalisation movement. They are simply trying to control it. Unfortunately they don't see that this is destructive to the movement. (which doesn't really exist here). But that they are secretly against it is not true. The are muppets with terrible tactics thats all, they are destructive but we simply have to get by them and convince the best of their membership rather than bitching and trowing up conspiricy theories. And work with them when we can. Two groups have already split from them because of their nonsense more will follow.
'This has been their agenda in Globalise Resistance where at the moment they are refusing to campaign against the Nice Treaty in case it upsets their labour party members of Globalise resistance.'
'refusing to campaign against the Nice Treaty'???!
either you are misinformed or are misinforming - I was at a gathering tonight about the Nice Treaty and all was talked about was how to strategize against Nice.
So.... either you are misinformed or MISINFORMING.
I suspect the latter.
z boy
Is this a story? Sounds like another attempt to subvert the anti-capitalist cause. It isn't working, the movement is growing.
its time the swp took criticism seriously.what about a marxist forum "swp in crisis,a marxist analysis"
i have no doubt that sp/swp/dogmatic left hate this forum for free (i.e liberal) thought and debate.
"have no doubt that sp/swp/dogmatic left hate this forum for free (i.e liberal) thought and debate"
How come the SP are included in this? To say such a thing is ignornant of SP policies, and the views of SP members, who by the way are not dogmatic.
'Liberal thought and debate'oh like the debate that we hate war but when it starts we will back it all the way.
Liberals are the V.D of the revoulution.
Lads, we must ban GR/SWP from the next RTS party.
If SWPers want to come along, fine, but no SWP/GR banners, placards, tabloids. OK?
Rose 'Mummy i dont want nasty boys and girls at my party'
Mother 'well if you keep screaming at them, they are going to come anyway with or without an invite'
In the original posting SWP,WP,LAbP are all mentioned. Not a single word about SP. The SP are the biggest Party on Left in terms of support and influence among the working class.(no apologies for saying LabP isnt Left)
Someone said I was the SWP in disguise believe me I'm not. I'm an anarchist that works with the WSM but I amn't a member.
The way I ended my last comment was sarcastic i thought that would have been obvious from "(last comment mumbled under aflood of tears)".
My belief however is that socialists of all shades of red (black and green) need to organise locally in a loose but very democratic manner. In such a local action group free debate could be had and anyone who gets involved could make up their mind after hearing all socialist arguments instead of what happens today; people want to get involved, join a party (unfortunately its normally the swp) and become indoctrinated. And I'm npt a great fan of indoctrination. Free thought all the way.
The SWP's leading ideologue, Eamonn McCann, has built a lucrative career attacking Ireland's revolutionary movement in the capitalist press. Enough said.
Yer not talkin Sinn Fein are yer or as we call them up here PFI/ Sinn Fein. Revolutionary me arse unless you mean revolution defined as one complete turn. SF = SDLP with more expensive suits.
This is all very interesting,and more than a bit bizzare. We're being run by who now? We should be banned from participating in a free party? Tell you what, we're having our first annual conference in Liberty Hall on 21st September, why don't you all come along and make your points there? I promise we won't try to indoctrinate you. The movement belongs to those who chose to participate, rather than sit at computers and criticize wnat is, after all, a very large movement incorporating many groups and ideals.
While it is important to have a sense of humour about some of the assertions about GR (an SWP front, A Labour Party conspiracy etc..) it really is time for those who are serious about uniting the left to come together and talk to each other. All you discontented souls are welcome.
A major concern of this conference will be the European Social Forum and the formation of an Irish contingent to attend same. We hope many different groups and individuals will attend as it is very important that we should represent as broad a spectrum as possible.
The charge will be minimal, just enough to pay for the room. Hope to see you all there, where we can have these debates face to face.
So who is trying to mis inform who? just 2 simple questions if answered honestly may expose the truth
1 Are Globalise resistance campaigning against Nice?
2 the gathering that you were at tonight, was it the swp meeting on nice? or a GR gathering?
I think you have given the game away joeboy sorry zboy or tit 4 tat or is it help me understand
Nora its common knowledge that GR is a swp front, a sense of humour is a useful bonus, but it is beside the point. The GR agm will show how big GR is minus the obligatory 30 or 40 swp hacks and a few labour toadies. So will who holds a majotity on the committee and what positions are taken or not taken on issues such as the Nice referendum etc
Hey, I play a mean banjo too!!
So, shall we expect you at the conference? You really ought to make an appearance, so you can tell us what everybody knows, except, of course, those who actually participate in Globalise Resistance who have no idea of how they're being brainwashed. I think you owe it to the world to come out and tell us the "truth".
By the way, how do you know how old I am? Or are you just trying to flatter me? you old devil.