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Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

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offsite link Why Are Electricity Bills Going Up? Mon Mar 17, 2025 09:00 | David Turver
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National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

DEMONSTRATE Sat Oct 15 - #Occupyimf March on the IMF delegation!

category national | anti-capitalism | event notice author Tuesday October 11, 2011 21:24author by Enough Report this post to the editors

DEMONSTRATE Saturday Oct 15th 1pm Parnell Sq

No More Cuts – Austerity Isn’t working.

No Sell-off of State Assets

IMF-EU-ECB back in Ireland on October 15th

DEMONSTRATE Saturday Oct 15th 1pm Parnell Sq
European Day of Action - Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland
European Day of Action - Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland

#Occupyimf March on the IMF delegation! The IMF-EU-ECB ‘Troika’ are back in Ireland on October 15th. Their austerity policies are causing immense suffering and are making the economic crisis worse, meanwhile bondholders and the superwealthy are getting off scot-free.

This time they are demanding we sell €5 Billion worth of state assets. We are selling the family silver to pay for Zombie banks. They want to cut public sector pay again and they want to further dismantle protections for low paid workers. They plan to slash social welfare, education, special needs services and close hospital A&Es. They also plan to scrap social housing, introduce a household tax and a water tax. ESB, Bord Gais, Coillte, Aer Lingus are all on the auction block. State enterprises like the ESB are what transformed Ireland from a third world country to a modern economy. Putting these vital public assets in private hands is disastrous. The Eircom privatisation set Ireland back years on broadband. Rail privatisation in Britain led to more rail disasters due to cutbacks in signalling. The same will happen here with electricity, power and water. Private companies are only interested in making profits not in running good public services. Selling the ESB off will just transfer that social wealth into private hands.

This has been the IMF’s policy for decades. They load a country with debt and then demand it sells off its state assets to pay them back. Africa has been devastated by these policies, the life expectancy of the population has collapsed and in the end countries have ended up owing just as much as when they started. We, the taxpayers,the workers and unemployed have to cover the bank’s debts but there is no similar bail-out for homeowners in mortgage arrears or workers who have lost their jobs. If we don’t stop them we’ll be thrown back to the 1920s. Come to the march on Saturday October 15th, 1pm, Parnell Square, Dublin Let's take inspiration from the movement on wall street in the USA! March on the IMF delegation next saturday. Tell them Enough is Enough!


author by Johnny Bravopublication date Fri Oct 14, 2011 21:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Isn't organising a march one hour before another march with similar demands kind of sectarian? Forget this SWP front, people should attend the Real Democracy Now/Occupy Dame street one at 2pm.

author by picking between the twopublication date Fri Oct 14, 2011 22:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No, I'm a trade union member and part-time student and i wont be joining occupy march. Is the occupy march for students? I've seen their posters around UCD and TCD. The nonsense regarding trade unions has put me off. Good luck - there seems to be 3 marches that day - 2 to deal with student protests - how appropiate...

author by Q to jonny bravopublication date Fri Oct 14, 2011 22:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Regardless of any protest on that day - seriously what have u got to offer? A real reason to ignore socialism or anarchism (and lets face it, both groups need someone to hand out their leaflets- get with it - people want to know why they shud bother). The easiest reaction is to stay away from bith group parasites...

author by katepublication date Fri Oct 14, 2011 23:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I won't be attending this march, here's why ( largley based on an eyewitness report by one of the #occupydamestreet participants - http://www.boomingback.org/2011/10/occupydamestreet-gru....html ) :

Members of a certain political party/front group who contribute nothing to #occupydamestreet turn up at the general Assembly > they spread themselves around the meeting > one of them then proposes something > the other members of the same party/front then say they also support the proposal (to make it look more popular) > they try to force a vote > theparty/front doesn't get support for their proposal > the party/front leaves without contributing anything > members the part/yfront then try to undermine the protest/movement they can't control.

It's a familiar story to those who've been around the political block.

Unfortunately it's these kind of actions which makes people hostile to the left as a whole (and gives fuel to woolly liberals) , rather than simply confining their hostility to groups who engage in this type of action.

author by Occupypublication date Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

marches get better attendance on weekends when people aren't at work. Its not surprising there are a few on a saturday. However, this is taking the piss somewhat.

Why not one big one rather than several ineffective small ones. Its almost as if this was a deliberate sabotage attempt. Either that or complete stupidity. Why can't we put issues to the fore on the left instead of parties. Look where that got us. Just have one march about the issue and invite everyone who says they care about the issue minus their political banners. Its time we had some left unity on issues instead of party based campaigns. What really matters here? the issue or the party?

If what the article kate refers to is correct, then the political parties in question should be ashamed of any concerted attempts to hijack the first grassroots movement that has gained traction for quite a while here.

If they really care, they should stand back and offer practical help from the sidelines because of common goals. The general message getting out will help their cause too, that should be enough.

To All Tainted Political organisations, If you really give a shit about the issues and not just pushing your parties then:


Your damaged reputations will only kill off the momentum of a fledgling grassroots movement that could benefit us all.

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sat Oct 15, 2011 15:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the irish political acrobats are doing their legendary splits already.

While ye're sulking and spitting and tearing each others hair to the vast enjoyment of the guess who, give this a scan, then come back and hang me as well.


now, pick up them fucking toys, and put them back in the fucking pram.

author by TNpublication date Sat Oct 15, 2011 15:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There we go again, your "bible" website knows best on a wide range of subjects don't it? Kinda like the jack of all trades - master of none - Sláinte

author by opus diablos - the regressive hypocrite partypublication date Sat Oct 15, 2011 15:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it provides more information than your comment. Not a hard task.

author by Tpublication date Sat Oct 15, 2011 23:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There was probably somewhere between 600 to 1000 people at the march today against the IMF/ECB imposed cutbacks. The march set out from the Garden of Rememberance and went up by the Dail and finished outside govt offices on Merrion street opposite the Merrion Hotel.




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