Independent Media Centre Ireland

The Strange Adventure of Dick and Liz in Drumshambo

category leitrim | environment | news report author Friday June 24, 2011 03:34author by Who the Frack?

'Sucking gas?' sez Wag. 'It'll go to your head'.

An Taisce and The Frackers. See the coast that area reaches over to. See the sketched pipe on map one. If it wasn't so sick it would be funny. Fracking + Shell + Renewable energy biznizz. One big clusterfuck coming to Drumshambo and parts surrounding.

Dick Roche of course was one of the Invited speakers to the RJK energy symposium.
See this Circle?
See this Circle?

....................................Now Go Look at the one at the Bottom of the Article and Come back Up when you've done that

Source of Map 1:
Source of Map 2:

They're the same!

An Taisce and The Frackers. See the coast that area reaches over to. See the sketched pipe on map one. If it wasn't so sick it would be funny. Fracking + Shell + Renewable energy biznizz. One big clusterfuck coming to Drumshambo and parts surrounding.

Dick Roche of course was one of the Invited speakers to the RJK energy symposium.

So was Liz. A gas woman from way back. An taisce's first energy officer. An Taisce must LOOVVEE Dick Roche. How could they not. His brazenness covered up their lack of fight along the way in tara etc. Dick's Stategic Infrastructure Act will come in handy for all these fracking cynics. Shell then Tara then Fracking the Lough Allen Baisin. All the same to Dick . Maybe Liz and Dick wanted to make sure that Dick had dotted the i's and crossed the t's?

Did I mention Enda was there to bless the romance between the pseudo greenies and Dick the destroyer?

Read between the lines and you see Fracking Drillpads poking out from under the wind and waves.

"The Government will be addressing other weaknesses within the system to try and improve the investment environment for the energy industry. Planning process, licensing and legislative reforms should make it easier in the future for energy projects to proceed.

Renewable energy will continue to play a key role in shaping Ireland's energy future and will contribute, in turn, to each of our policy goals of secure, clean and affordable energy supplies. The overall energy policy objective of the Government is to ensure a secure, clean and affordable energy supply for Ireland

There are a few immediate energy priorities that we think will make a big difference. First of all, we need to drive down energy demand by increasing our energy efficiency measures. This is a policy promoted in the Programme for Government and one that Minister Rabbitte is keen to progress on quickly.

The Government also recognises there is a long term economic advantage from developing our indigenous energy sources to switch away from imported fuel sources. The €6 billion spent each year on imported fossil fuels could sustain a huge amount of jobs and industry within our country if cost effective ways of exploiting our own energy resources can be achieved. " . . . . ."I understand two companies are currently exploring for viable natural gas reserves in the Lough Allen area which could have a significant boost for the local economy if successful. On a national level they could prove invaluable to improving Ireland's energy security situation. There is also the initiative of the Lough Allen Basin Smart Energy Hub which is a clear example of how this new potential can be exploited in a local context. The Energy Hub has the potential to become a centre of excellence exemplifying energy economies of scale".
(see here for source:

Then there's Seanie Quinn. The gas didn't come on line quick enough for him. he was planning a Gas fired power station in Toomes in Louth. Got permission and all. Then kablammo - bust. I wonder who has that permission now. Dick's Strategic Act again eased it's passage. Anyone smell a rat?

These people want to break the spirit of the law and slide all this all into place without public consultation: Look what they were talking about.

An Taisce‟s Energy Officer, Elizabeth Muldowney, will be one of six speakers on the Energy Planning panel. Also speaking will be Muldowney‟s counterpart in the Wilderness Society in Colorado, USA. George Burke of the Dept. of the Environment planning legislation division will have a seat and will be joined by his counterpart in the Dutch Dept. of the Environment. Aidan Corcoran, Programme Manager Grid 25 Eirgrid and CEO of Bord na Mona, Gabriel Darcy will also speak on that panel. It will be moderated by John Bowman of RTE. The discussion theme on that panel will be “The need for an energy-specific planning body bypassing An Bord Pleanala and Local Authorities.”
(see 'source of map 2 above')

And they'd tell you this had nothing to do with gas. Rotten eggs?

So how did the smell make it to you dear reader. Liz circulated a mail. She was looking for the info on Fracking and the Green stuff in mid may 2011. The mail leaked out because some greenie from merikay hit reply all or just had lost it from sucking on a gas pipe. Liz knows they'll be fracking in Drumshanbo. Liz knows it was big. Maybe 100 Billion. Maybe in the lake. More attractive than sustainable energy? Her and dick and all that gas? Her head must have been spinning on its axis.

Eager young hacks who want to try to prove a free press isn't a dead letter in this godforsaken satrap. Why not ask all those present in Drumshanbo on the record if anyone representing Lough Allen Natural Gas Company or Tamboran Resources LTD were present to see Dick (FF) and Liz (An Taisce) suss out their immediate future in lovely Leitrim. And Maybe ask David McWilliams if he ran into anyone at the gala dinner on the last night. A look at the invitation list would be nice too. Sponsored by ESB. Bord Na Mona. Engineers Ireland.Failte Ireland. leitrim County Council.

Welcome to the age of peak oil. Gas women will be busy. Selling their soul for cash on the drillpad. Thinking about all that Fracking poison seeping into the Shannon in a country where the water is already pretty well fucked up. Poison running into dead seas. Is this what liz wants for her progeny.

BELOW: 'LOUGH ALLEN BASIN ENERGY HUB': "A north west regoinal initiative of Drumshanbo forum. A centre of excellence exemplyfying energy economies of scale with lasting benifits for the environment and rural communities through the further development of renewable energy sources and the creation of new jobs".


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